Not wanting to be left without a seat and wandering around in the room full of forty something students, Eden rushed into the empty seat next to Asher.

"You could be in a porno with your uniform," Asher teased as he eyed Eden. He was dressed in the male uniform which was navy slacks and a button down with a tie.

"Why on earth does a college have uniforms?" Eden whispered as she watched Alec in the front of the room.

"The Armory is filled with students of all race and magical backgrounds," Asher crossed his arms over his chest. "The uniform keeps us from thinking we're different from each other."

"That's a dumb idea," Eden muttered as she realized Alec was purposefully trying to ignore her.

"Maybe," Asher shrugged. "But you look hot in it. Better than your cheerleading outfit."

"Ugh," Eden rolled her eyes.

"Latte?" Asher set a fresh cup down in front of her.

"I don't drink dairy," Eden pulled out her notebook.

"Since when?"

"Since last night," Eden said, dismissing him.

Asher laughed as he leaned forward and took the cup back. Eden watched him from the corner of her eyes as he waited for the girl coming down the row.

"Hey, Abby," he flashed her his beautiful smile. Eden didn't need to look to know Abby had stopped breathing. Once upon a time, she used to fall for that smile too.

"Hey, Asher," the girl said nervously.

"Happy first day of classes," Asher handed her the latte.

"For me?" Abby asked, surprised to her core.

"Yeah," Asher smiled. "Though I have a beautiful girl's day a little better."

"Oh my god," The girl squealed. "How did you know I like latte?"

"We're on the same wavelength," Asher winked at her just as Eden kicked him under the desk.

"What?" Asher attuned to her as he rubbed his leg.

"Leave the poor girl alone," Eden said. "You're giving her breathing problems."


"Go die in a ditch somewhere,"

Asher threw his head back and laughed. He leaned forward and looked into Eden's brown eyes.

"Why did we ever break up, Eden Heywood?" He asked. 

Before Eden could push him away, Alec started to speak from the front of the class. She turned her eyes away just in time to see Alec's gaze flicker away from her and Asher.

"Welcome to the Intro course to the Queen's guards. My name is Alec Radacovick. I am the head Queen's guard and your professor this semester."

Some of the girls from the back of the lecture hall cheered. Eden turned her head back and frowned as she caught sight of some of the older girls batting their eye lashes at Alec.

"Some of you may already know," Alec ignored the cheers as he continued. "This course is split into two parts. We meet in class two times a week, and the rest of the days, you are to acquire 115 hours of field work shadowing a Queen's guard. You will pick your guard out of a hat next class. Today, we will go over the syllabus."

Eden cleared her desk as Alec picked up a large pile of packets and began to pass them down the rows. With every passing second, her heart beat quicker as he moved closer and closer to where she sat. When he stopped in front of her row, the boy ahead of her dropped the content of his bag.

Dreams of Eden (Ace of Queens # 4)Where stories live. Discover now