Madeline Damskey

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Hi my name is Madeline Damskey aka Maddie. I live in Baltimore Maryland. I am 22. My best friends name is Darius Dobre. Him and his brothers are youtube famous. They have a channel called dobre brothers and Lucas and Marcus have a channel called Lucas and Marcus. Lucas has a girlfriend named Ivanita Lomeli and Cyrus has a wife named Christina Kalamvokis aka stinakayy.
I was sitting on my bed. Dari then called me.
Dari: hey can you come over.
Maddie: sure.
I put my shoes on and grabbed my key. I left my apartment locking the door behind me. I then went downstairs to the garage and got in my car. I drove to Dari's house. When I got there he was sitting outside. He looked upset.
I got out of my car and went over to him.
Maddie: what's wrong.
Dari: something's wrong with Ivonne.
Maddie : what do you mean something's wrong with Ivonne.
I walked into the house and saw her on the ground with everyone around her. Steve was filming.
Maddie: what happened.
I then saw Ivonne had arms growing out of her stomach.
Lucas: she said she woke up like this.
Marcus: I'm calling 911
Dari: we cant just leave them in her!
Christina: your gonna hurt her.
Dari: I'll be careful.
Lucas grabbed Ivonne's hand and Dari carefully pulled the arms out of her stomach. I then realized it was just makeup.
Maddie: so I came over for all to prank me.
Dari: yeah basically.
I just went outside.
Dari: where are you going?!
Maddie: HOME!

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