See-Through T-Shirt

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Yohan and I slowly explained how we'd come to find her in the river and save her. Emma sat silently and listened, still in shock I assumed. "Thank you." She stuttered after we'd finished our story and brushed her wet hair out of her face. I glanced up at the sky thinking I'd felt a small raindrop but shrugged off my gut feeling.

"How did you end up in the water?" Yohan questioned Emma. "You can't swim right?"

I lowered my eyes from the sky curious to how Emma reacted to Yohan's question. Her eyes dropped to the dirt ground. "Someone pushed me."

"What?!" I snapped and leaned towards her. "Who?" Elios wasn't there and there's no reason why he would push her. Despite that, I smelled trouble.

Emma rubbed her temples and slumped over, shivering. "I didn't see their face so I can't remember..." I hummed and fiddled with the wet hem of my shirt.

"That's okay," Yohan jumped in. "We can talk about this later. We have a bigger problem."

"What?" I turned towards Yohan and raised an eyebrow.

"Do either of you know the way back?"

I sighed and smacked a hand on my forehead. Not again for fuck'sake. Emma's eyes lit up as she glanced around. "Well, I fell from over there." She pointed off in the distance. "But I don't remember which way my group was going."

"People might still be around." I offered and pulled myself off the ground. Emma stood up beside Yohan and I joining us in shouting. "Hello! Anyone!"

I heaved a sigh and leaned against Yohan. My voice was almost gone and we didn't have any drinking water. "We've been shouting for a while." Emma coughed and unzipped her jacket a little. "What if we try to find a way back?"

Yohan shook his head beside me. "No. As an expert in getting lost it's better to stay in one place." I smiled at Emma who raised an eyebrow at Yohan's comment. "The route is slippery so we could fall if we're not careful. Let's gather wood and start a fire." Yohan branched off leaving me and Emma alone. You'd think he's the romantic type but when he gets distracted by something else it's like I don't exist.

Emma followed me through a couple of trees and helped me gather some branches. "(Y/N)?"


She picked up a twig and bit her lip. "Thanks a lot. I mean it. We don't hang out very much but I think you're amazing." She beamed and turned, taking her pile of twigs to an open area. I blushed not expecting a swarm of compliments and jogged to catch up with her.

"Thanks. We should spend more time together. Preferably without Elios."

She giggled and squatted, dropping her sticks on top of Yohan's. I dropped to my knees and folded my legs into a criss-cross position. Emma took a seat next to me and drew a circle in the dirt. " do we start a fire?"

"You don't know?" Yohan looked up from the pile of sticks. He sighed and placed a twig in front of him grabbing another smaller one between his hands. Emma watched intently. "You rub the two sticks together and the friction produces heat. I learned this in summer camp."

"I learned that in elementary school," I commented sticking my tongue out at Yohan. He furrowed his brows and rolled his eyes.

"That's cool." Emma grinned at the two of us seemingly awestruck by our basic knowledge.

Yohan paused. "You didn't learn this in school?"

"Oh, uh...I was homeschooled."

I looked up at the sky again feeling a raindrop hit me on the nose and raised a hand to the sky. "Rain?" Emma and Yohan followed suit looking up at the grey sky. All of a sudden the sky turned dark blue and rain came pouring down on us.

"It's pouring!" Emma squealed over the noise and covered her head.

"Seriously!" I shouted at the sky.

"Come on! We need to find shelter!" Emma and I followed Yohan into a small cave and like wet dogs we shook ourselves off. My hair was dripping wet and I was only wearing a t-shirt stark to Emma's long sleeves and Yohan's jacket. I shivered and rubbed my wet forearms.

"You've got to be kidding me..." I breathed.

"At least we found shelter. The weather changes pretty drastically in the mountains, just our luck." Yohan slicked back his wet hair and pulled off his jacket. I watched as he wrung out his t-shirt slyly showing off his V line. I snapped my eyes up to the cave's ceiling. Not here! Not now! "The branches are wet too so we can't start a fire..."

Emma sighed beside me and took a seat against the cave wall. Yohan turned catching my eyes for a second then took a seat too. I followed sitting in between the two of them. Emma dropped her head onto her knees. "Don't worry Emma." I slid over beside her. "We'll figure this out. I'm sure everyone is looking for us as we speak." Emma raised her head from her knees, a small smile forming on her face.

I glanced over at Yohan who was sitting far away from the two of us only because I'd slid next to Emma. "It sure is pouring," He muttered and glanced out the entrance of the cave. After that, it was silent, nothing but the sound of pouring rain. Yohan took a breath then sneezed his body shivering. I bit my lip then grabbed Emma pulling her and me towards Yohan until him and I's shoulders were touching. He jumped at the sudden feeling of my shoulder against his.

I looked up meeting his blue eyes. He jumped back embarrassed by how bold I was being in front of Emma. Besides me, she chuckled as Yohan scrambled away from the two of us. "What are you doing?!"

"We can all sit close together. That way it'll keep our bodies warmer."

Yohan panicked waving his hands around. "It's okay I'm fine!"

"You're gonna catch a cold, idiot," I argued and slid closer to him for the second time.

"Somehow I feel like I'm intruding," Emma mumbled.

"Stop!" Yohan insisted and pushed me away. "Just...stop."


Yohan sighed and twirled a strand of his hair around his shaky finger. "The three of us alone together puts me in an awkward situation..."

"What do you-"

"I'm a guy trapped in a cave with two girls! This makes me look like a creep!"

Emma blushed beside me and covered her face with her arm. "I kinda forgot..."

"Forgot?" Yohan yelped and crossed his arms.

"I mean- I didn't forget you were a guy! You're just not intimidating." Yet again, Emma dealt another unintentional blow. I giggled understanding where she was coming from.

"Not intimidating..." Yohan muttered. All of his training seemingly going down the drain.

"Not that! I just...feel safe around you two. You're always there when I'm in trouble." Yohan blushed at Emma's compliment towards us. I grinned happy we'd cleared up the misunderstanding and shivered scooting next to Yohan again.

"Now that we cleared that up...I'm freezing." I wrapped my hands around Yohan's forearm and snuggled into his side. His eyes dropped from my face to my chest for a split second, his face going red. He averted his eyes and tossed his jacket on my face. "Seriously..." I mumbled underneath the jacket and glanced down at myself. What was so...? Oh...oh! My white t-shirt was soaked through, my sports bra sticking out underneath it.

I peeled his jacket off of me, my face as flushed as his. Slowly I snuggled my face into it. "You can have it. It's cold." His eyes stayed on the forest outside but I could tell from the tips of his ears how red he was. Emma giggled.

"Do you want it?" I offered Yohan's jacket.

"No! No need. I already have one." She twisted the fabric of her jacket between her fingers gazing off into space. "Yohan?" She craned to look around me. "Remember when we talked at the campus last time?" Yohan's shoulders tensed and he turned to look at Emma. The campus. The same day Yohan and I had kissed for the first time. "I've been meaning to ask you...why'd you do a background check on me?"

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