Chapter 2

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I was about to be a pile of bones when I saw her. Nana Shimura was in front of me, screaming at me to run. I get up with some other boy in my arms. As I stumble away I hear "WATCH OUUUT!" but it was to late.

When I woke up I was in the hospital nothing felt wrong with me then I sat up, that's when I realised I had a concussion in the worst way I figured it out because I threw up over the side of the bed after I was done I saw the other boy in the bed next to me he was awake so I decided I should ask him his name he said his name was "Hideyo Hekima" Then he asked me what my name was I told him Toshinori Yagi then we stayed silent for a while until I spoke up and said sorry for almost getting you killed out there. Just as he was about to say something the doctor came in and said I see you two are up. Then he saw the vomit on the floor and walked out. Next thing I know there's a Janitor in the room cleaning up my vomit. They kept me overnight and in the morning they sent me home, on my way Nana Shimura appeared in front of me and says " you could have been killed out there yesterday" Well I couldn't just sit there and watch him get killed. " I know that's why I came meet me at the beach 12:00am tomorrow.

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