In the speed lab
" What was he like?" Iris asks Barry.
" Broken." Barry says.
" You know ( Iris sighs) all this time I thought Savitar was a monster. It's hard to picture what might happen, and it being you that I I know it's not you." Iris says.
" I'm part of him is. He said it was like looking in a mirror, and he was right. But not just the way he looked. It was his eyes. The pain that was inside them. I've seen that in myself. When I think how my parents died so violently sometimes I want to repay that violence with more violence. I want to make someone else hurt as much as I do." Barry says.
" But you don't do that ever. You're a good person." Iris says.
" But it's in there, you know. It's in me. That power, that pain, that's where Savitar comes from. From loss. From losing you." Barry says.
" You're not gonna lose me. Do you hear me? And we are going to stop Savitar. You are not alone. He is. And he is not a God. " Iris says.
Barry sighs deeply
" Jay told me that we were not God's. He was wrong. We could be. Any speedster, and it wouldn't take much. When the love that we feel on our hearts is drowned in anger when the bad memories outweigh the good ones. What am I going to have to become to stop him?" Barry asks.

Cisco comes into the speed lab
"Oh, bad time?" Cisco asks.
" No man, what's up?" Barry asks.
" I came up with the best idea ever. Either that or its the worst idea ever. But." Cisco says.
" It's an idea. " Barry says.
" It's an idea." Cisco says.

In the speed lab
" You want to give me a perm?" Barry asks.
" It's not for your hair, Steel Magnolia. This is for your brain, okay? I want to stop you from making new memories." Cisco says.
" What are you talking about?" Iris asks.
" Savitar knows everything we're gonna do because he remembers doing it. He's a future Barry. So what if Barry can't remember what we're doing now?" Cisco asks.
" You want to mess with his brain?" Joe asks.
" Just a little bit. It's a minimal procedure. It'll be the same Barry you know and love, except he just won't be able to retain new information." Cisco says.
" There are two types of memory, Allen. Short term and long term. Long term is where you." Julian says.
" Okay, Julian just stop. This is my presentation. I'm the expert here. This is the part of the brain that retains new information before sending it to the cortex to be stored forever. So what if we block that chain with a magnetic disruption?" Cisco asks.
" So Savitar won't be able to remember whatever strategy we come up with to defeat him." Iris says.
" Which means he can't be two steps ahead of us anymore." Wally says.
" With any luck,we'll actually put him one step hehind." Julian says.
" Beautiful. Cause and effect." Cisco says.
" Barry, what do you think?"Iris asks.
" Let's do it." Barry says as he sits in the chair.
" Wait, wasn't Caitlin the expert on brains around here?" Joe asks.
" She was. But this something we'll have to do without her."Cisco says.
" I trust you." Barry says.
" You won't feel a thing." Cisco says.
" Okay, let's get this show on the road. The disruptor is attached to your hippocampus. So, it's ready." Julian says.
" Ready for zapping." Cisco says.
" Can we not call it " zapping?" Joe asks.
" Ready to activate. In three two one." Cisco says.
Barry remembers
" Sweet dreams, my beautiful boy." Nora says.
" Way to go slugger. Run, Barry, run." Henry says.
" I have watched you be in love with Iris." Joe says.
" Maybe we were meant to be together." Iris says.

" Okay, that should do it." Cisco says.
" All right. Right. How do you feel?" Julian asks.
Julian clears his throat
" How do you feel?" Julian asks.
" I feel fine." Barry says.
" You see? He feels fine." Cisco says.
" Barry. " Iris says.
" Barry?" Joe says.
" Barry."Julian says.
" Who's Barry?" Barry asks.
" Not fine." Cisco says.
" Who are all of you? What's going on?" Barry asks.
" Seriously, who are you guys?" Very asks.
" Okay, Barry stay calm." Iris says.
" Who's Barry?" Barry asks.
" Cisco!" Joe says.
" Slight miscalculation." Cisco says.
" Slight wouldn't be a word I'd use." Joe says.
" Where the hell am I? Is this dentist offiice?" Barry asks.
" No, no. This is STAR Labs." Iris says.
" St labs. A laboratory? St a laboratory? What are you? Are you guys experimenting on me?" Barry asks.
" No one is ex Well yes, technically, yes. But but it was cool consensual." Julian says.
" You were. You." Barry asks.
" Yes." Julian says.
" Why can't I remember anything? Why can't I remember my name?" Barry says.
" Your name is Barry." Iris says.
" My name's not Barry. My name's Bartholomew Henry Allen. That's not a good name." Barry says.
" Look Barry." Iris says.
" Are you sure I don't go by Bart? Can " Bart" feels more natural to me. Can we go with Bart?" Barry asks.
" Bart's kinda cool." Wally says.
" Okay?"barry says.
" Wally?" Joe says.
" Okay, hey let's get you back in the chair." Cisco says.
"No, no, no. I'm I'm not getting back in the chair." Barry says.
" Let's get you back in the chair." Cisco says.
" No, how do I know you didn't kidnap me to do some weird brain cm surgery on me. Or maybe you're like those criminals who trick people into hotel rooms so they can steal their kidneys." Barry says.
Barry gasps
" Do I still have my kidneys." Barry asks.
" We don't want your kidneys." Julian says.
" Okay Barry, look at these photographs. We're your family, your friends. We just want to help you, okay?" Iris says.
Barry sees his ring that he picked for Iris
" That's a nice ring. Who's the lucky guy?" Barry asks.
" You are, Barry. Look, I know you're scared, okay? You can trust us." Iris says.
" Cisco. A minute." Joe says.
" Yes, sir." Joe says.
" I'm gonna be right back, okay? Wally, stay with him, okay?" Iris says.
" Me?" Wally asks.

Barry and Iris OSWhere stories live. Discover now