To Mess with the Lamb

Start from the beginning

You rounded the corner to the large common room, your eyes scanning for your group members. There they were! at your usual round table. They were all looking down with gloomy, slightly angry expressions.

You wasted no time and ran across the carpet layed across the tiled floor, pushing passed patients, sometimes even jumping over some.

" Elliot! Willy! Joshua!" You cried as you got about halfway through the crowd, behind you you heard the guards race into the room.

Your group members all sprung their heads up at the sound of your voice, looking around wildly. You breached the last of the crowds and flung yourself right into Elliot's arms as he was the closest. Crying hard sobs and gripping tightly onto his patient's uniform.

The gentle giant huffed in shock for a second before wrapping his massive arms around you protectively, placing his mouth on the top of your head. You could feel his large breaths slide through your hair.

You heard Joshua and Willy jump up out of their chairs and rush to your side. You slipped a hand out from under Elliot's arms and reached out to them. Willy grasped on to it with both of his hands. He was asking you questions frantically in a worried voice, but you could not make out any of them you only cried and sobbed. You once again heard the shouting of the guards.

" Please don't let them get me, they'll hurt me." You cried out, it being a bit muffled with you being pressed into Elliot's belly. Joshua and Willy simultaneously grabbed onto Elliot's arms and ushered him, while still holding you, into a different spot away from the sight of the guards.

They hurried you to the otherwise of the room, behind the crowd that was starting to get out of control with you just running and pushing through them. It would keep you guys hidden for a few moments longer, but you were utterly in a group with the biggest man in the room, it would not be hard to pick him out.

When you were out of sight Willy and Joshua turned to you, Willy still had a hold of your hand, and Joshua had one of his set on your shoulder. Elliot still held you tightly wrapped in his arms, refusing to let you up even an inch. He probably did not even have any idea what was going on, he just saw you crying and upset and this was his initial response.

Joshua attempted to pull you slightly out of Elliot's grasp and more towards his direction. Elliot held his position for a second before letting Joshua pull you a little bit closer. He reached out and lifted your chin up, tilting your head slightly to the side. No doubt looking at the bruises that guard left last night when he choked you out for a minute

" Y/N... What. Happened?" He growled out in an aggressive and angry tone. You tried multiple times to tell him what happened, but you could not get anything more than stuttering gibberish full of hiccups and sobs.

Two hands reached over and cupped your face, turning it over so you could look into the eyes of Willy. He held you there for a second. Looking at you with his eyes that hid the wheels turning behind them.

" Y/N, we know you're frightened, and we know your hurt, but we need you to tell us what has happened. Can you take a deep breath for me?" You stared wide-eyed at him while listening to him talk, slowly nodded when he finished.

He continued to hold you like that as you took in some very shaky breaths as deep as you could make them. You were turned around in Elliots hold so that your back was slightly pressed against his belly. Your eyes darted around the room, afraid of the guard's whose voices could still be heard.

Your face was taken out of Willy's grasp by a sturdy dark hand. You were turned to look at Joshua, who held a dark expression, with a lot of it being hidden behind his eyes.

" Y/N. Focus on us, not on them." He said sternly. You looked down, taking in another few shuttering breaths. You took in one final breath and looked up at them. Your legs were shaking so badly, and if you focused on it, you would realize that because of it, you were not even really standing at all, but Elliot held you up in a standing position.

" Y-y-y-esterday... after the late sh-sh-shsh-shower." You took in a deep intake of breath. " One of the Guards came in... he.. he tried to rape me... I-I got away and h--have been hiding in a storage r-r-r-room." You broke down sobbing harshly, your body wracking with the cries. Elliot pulled you away from Joshua so that you were now flushed up against him once again.

Willy's eyes were wide as he calculated what you had just said. Joshua looked like he was ready to turn around and rip the heads off of everyone else in the room.

That was when the Guards finally broke through the line of patients, yelling for every single patient to be taken to their rooms. The lead one pointed at you and shouted: " Take her to room E!" You looked over at all of your boys in a panic as a line of guards defended over at you.

Four of them immediately tackled Elliot and tore you out of his arms as they tackled him. Joshua quickly wrapped you in his arms, daring each and every motherfucker with his eyes to come and try and take you.

They all whipped out their batons and tasers, walking towards you all. You gave out a scream when you recognized the one coming right towards you, the bandage at his neck mostly hidden by his outfit.

" No Please!! That's Him! He's going to kill me!!" you screamed out. Joshua threw you behind him as two guards defended on him, wrestling him and beating him with their sticks.

Willy darted around the commotion, grabbing you and backing up with you away from the guard who assaulted you last night. All of the other guards were busy with Elliot and Joshua.

Willy, pushed you as far way from the man as you could, but the man was taking no chances with the cannibal. He Fought around with Willy for a few moments, eventually being able to push him away. The man grabbed you, smirking at you sinisterly before turning around and taking you with him away from your group members.

You screamed at him to let you go, fighting as much as you could, but he had a firm grip on you, enough so that you could not even bite him again.

You took one last pleading look over to your group. You saw willy spring to his feet he yelled out in a strong voice that you had never heard him use. " ELLIOT!!" He shouted and when the giant liked at him through the guards attacking him, the cannibal pointed a finger over at the guard dragging you away.

The guards that were dogpiled on the giant were thrown off like bowling pins, and the chains around his wrists and ankles snapped with a clink as the Giant surged forward. charging like a bull on steroids at the guard.

The only thing he could do was let out a quiet " Oh fuck." Before he was grabbed by the raging beast. The man screamed as he dropped you. You fell to the floor and could to nothing but lay where ou fell in shock as you watched Elliot lift the entire man up with a single-arm, much as he had done to Benjamin months before.

Everything else in the room stopped, even the other guards ceased their movements in shock as they watched this go down. Elliot threw the man across the room and he slammed into the wall, a very audible crack resignation through the room.

There was a long moment as the guard struggled to move, but when he saw the giant stalking through the crowd towards him he tried to jump back to his feet, but he could not... for his legs would not move. There was a scuffle behind you and suddenly Joshua was running through the crowd passed you and for the man right at Elliot reached him.

Together, the two of them turned the man into nothing than a bloody mass of flesh in a mere moment. The man could only scream as he was torn to literal pieces.

The towed that had fallen off of you was placed over you as Willy approached, he grabbed you in his arms, holding you close to him as he knelt down, turning your head into his chest so you saw no more of the carnage the Lion and the Wolf wrecked on the man that meant to do you harm.

This time, the beasts were protecting the lamb from the Guard Dog.

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