chapter one

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CHAPTER ONEgood news for peoplewho love bad news

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good news for people
who love bad news


Alexa walked throughout the mall, looking at all the stores and fighting her urge to go spend all of daddy's money on clothes and useless shoes. She held herself back because it wasn't the goal of the day.

As she approached the ice cream shop like she did everyday at this time, she flattened out her skirt. Alexa hoped everyday that something would change, maybe he would see her the way she saw him.

"Alexa, you're here." Steve says, just as excited as every other day she came into the ice cream shop.

"Hey Steve." She smiled and looked to the back "Hey Robin!" Alexa chuckles, earning a wave from the window.

She sat at her usual table and Steve looked at Robin, who nodded at him. Every day since they graduated and he got his job, she came there at his designated break time and they just sat here, talking.

Steve sat down across the table from her, fixing his hair underneath his cap. "Dustin's coming back soon." He says, she hears the excitement in his voice. "Says he has a girlfriend."

"You've taught him so well." Alexa smiled as Robin starts to talk to them.

"Except Steve has absolutely no luck with any girls." Robin chuckles, earning an eye roll form Steve and a slight uncomfortable laugh. He could if he was smart.

"You're so funny, Robin." Steve says, obviously sarcastically. Alexa tries to switch the conversation.

"Hey, so Robin, are we still on for tonight?" Alexa asks, they had made plans to catch dinner and have a sleepover at her place.

"Yeah, of course. Pick me up after I get off?." Robin asks, Alexa nods and Steve cuts in.

"Woah, what? You guys made plans without me?" Steve shakes his head.

"Sorry, Harrington. She likes me more." Robin chuckles and Steve discovers a look of sadness.

Alexa shops for a little bit before heading home for like an hour, before heading back to the mall to pick Robin up.

Alexa had become friends with Steve when they were 5 when they met in Kindergarten. They were close until high school, where they both were very popular. They had buried feelings for years but it had always been wrong place, wrong time. Now in two months, they'd be going to college and who knew what would happen after that?

Alexa met Robin at the front of the mall and walked back to her car. "Look what I got for tonight cause my parents won't be home." The blonde opens a storage container underneath the passenger seat with three bottles of vodka.

Robin chuckles. "Well, tonight will be fun." They grabbed dinner and headed back to her house after sunset.

They started drinking and drank quick and Alexa looked dead on her kitchen island, no emotion in her face. "Robin, can I ask you a question?" Alexa asks, looking at Robin who was still wearing her ice cream shoppe outfit but her hair was a mess.

Alexa had a denim jacket on and her blonde hair was messy and her eyes were blood shot. "Hit me with it." Robin says as she moves to the stool of the island Alexa was sitting on.

"Do you like Steve?" Alexa asks, Robin and Alexa had hung out a few times after they met through Steve. Sometimes Robin and Alexa hung out with Steve too. They were all a very tight group. But she's been waiting for the right time to ask.

Robin chuckled at her question and Alexa raised her eyebrows. "Alexa, I don't shoot that way." Alexa raises her eyebrow at Robins response.

"What?" Alexa asks with her eyebrows raised.

"I'm a lesbian." Robin says and Alexa's face widens.

"Oh. That's cool." Alexa smiles, feeling better that she knew that it wasn't going to cause anything in their friend group.

"Alexa, do you like Steve?" Robin asks. Usually, she would deny it right away, maybe even throwing in a few insults about him to deny it.

But her emotions were heightened and she just had to get it out. "Yeah. I do. I always have." Alexa said, looking at the floor.

"Why haven't you told him?" Robin asks and shakes her head.

"Because he doesn't go for me. He likes smart girls like Nancy. I think I've just always been in the friend zone." She shrugs and heard Robin was about to say something. "But I'm going to NYU in a few months so it doesn't really matter anyways. Let's go to sleep." Alexa said.

Robin realized she wanted to shut the conversation off. "Yeah, okay." And they went upstairs.

The next morning, they had a massive hangover but Robin still had to work. They grabbed coffee and breakfast before they headed to the mall. They also picked up some for Steve.

Alexa hopes that Robin hadn't remembered the conversation before because of how drunk they had both gotten. But she remembered. They pulled up to the entrance and Alexa gave Robin a smile as she got everything out.

"I'll see you at lunch, Robin. Have a good day." Alexa smiles as Robin opens the car door.

"Hey, Alexa. Don't wait too long." Robin said and Alexa raised her eyebrows.

"Too long for what?" She asked, confused.

"To tell Steve how you feel." Robin said with a smile as she shut the door. Alexa bit her lip, watching Robin walk inside, thinking about what she said.

Author's Note: Chapter 1 is def a little bit short, but it was just to establish relationships between the main characters. I hope you guys enjoy. Vote/comment and give feedback!! Thank you guys!

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word count - 976

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2020 ⏰

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