"Ohhh ! What a pain !! " Lam mocks . "Now tell me , what happened ?"

"Nothing ! I don't know how we end up in engineering faculty . Even I was sleeping there in the field . Forth was not alone . Rest ... I don't remember ." Beam sighs again .

Lam stays silent for sometimes . Then he nods .he remembered Beam was drunk too . And now they are safe .. so ....

"Now tell me what health issue Forth has ?" Beam asks with a curious look .

"You said that you didn't remember anything ." Lam frowns .

"I don't but somehow I remember me asking Forth to show ...... ummm ... " Beam stops in the middle ... " just tell me . I want to know . "

"He has Philophobia .." Lam answers .

"He has what ... ? " Beam brusts into laughter "seriously ? I mean Forth ? The Forth jaturaphoom ? " Beam laughes harder .

"How can you laugh at someone's disease ? You are a future doctor ." Lam asks in annoyance .

"I am sorry . But it was just funny . I mean if Wayo had that I whould say it's relatable . But Forth ? The Forth Jaturaphoom , who loves street finght , boxing , bike race , that Forth is affraid of falling in love ? Why ?" Beam asks seriously this time .

"I don't know ! He has a happy and stable family . He really has no reason of this fear . " Lam smiles thinly .

"How do you come to know about this ?"

"In our highschool , one day a girl proposed Forth in class eight . Forth rejected her . But the girl kept bothering him for almost two days and Forth punched that girl in front of whole class . "

Beam chockes his coffee "he punched that girl ?"

"Yeah ! We all thought that the girl was too annoying that's why .. but that happened again after one year . Forth got punishment that time . Later , it became a never ending saga .. Forth used to punch , push or yell at those who proposed him . "

"Then ?"

"Then what ? Aunty , I mean Forth's mother took him to visit doctor . And we came to know that he has phobia . "

Beam gulps . "Is it still that serious ? If somebody proposes him , he will punch them ?"

"I don't know ! After knowing this , I didn't let anyone propose to Forth .." Lam sighs .

Then suddenly Beam remembers some incident at bar .. yesterday ! "There will be some treatment right ? You can't protect Forth everytime ?"

"I don't know ! I was so worried when you left Forth alone in the field . It was the time when some juniors comes to clean the field . What if someone ... " Lam closes his eyes .

Beam looks at Lam . He don't know what to say ! It was too much information for him to know . He doesn't even know this much about Pha .. " I am sorry ! "

"It's ok ! Let's leave . Forth's class is ending at 4 . " Lam replies .

Beam nods . They walk together out of the cafe . Beam looks at lam "you know Lam ! Forth is philophobic , you are not ."

"I know but ... " Lam sighs .

"But Forth need you more than Park ?" Beam asks . Lam nods .

"Park only demands you when he is drunk . But that doesn't mean ..he doesn't need you other time . " Beam says to Lam .

"Is this Beam barame ?" Lam asks .

Beam chuckles . He points at a person who is sitting alone at a park opposite to the cafe .

"Park ? " Lam frowns .

"It's 3 .. I will recieve baby Forth at 4 from his pre-engineering school . I will not leave him so he will not get kidnapped by his lovers ." Beam laughes again .

Lam frowns .. "sure ?"

Beam nods "yes captain ."


Beam enters medical faculty to take some books from library . "Pha ! I am leaving first ."

Pha didn't reply . Beam looks back ."what happened ?"

Silence ...

"Phaa ?"

"I am not your friend . You can't even try to stop playing right ?" Pha shouts .

"Whaa ... you are still with that old topic . Come on Pha ! So many things have happend afterthat .. move on ... " Beam replies .

"What happened ? You played with another girl ..?" Pha shouts .

"No ! I .. um .. nothing ." Beam sighs ." Ok ! I will try to stop playing ok ?"

"All talks ! I have heard it for thousand times before ." Pha shakes his head .

"What do you want ?"

"Make a serious promise ." Pha says firmly .

Beam holds his head . His headache is increasing .. "okk ! You want me to be .."

"Be like Forth ." Pha answers .

Beam laughes "seriously ? What if Forth starts playing like me , then ?"

Pha shakes his head ."No way ! He will definately have a serious relationship in future . He is a one woman guy ."

Beam smrinks "then I promise , the day Forth will have a relationship , I will stop playing . "

Pha thinks for sometimes "but it's already our second year . What if , Forth don't come in a relation in his college life ?"

Beam smrinks again in his mind "okk ! The day Forth will look at a girl as more than a friend , I will stop playing . He just need to look , not even flirt . Ok ?? "

"Oh shit ! It's only ten minutes to 4 . I am late . Bye Pha ... " Beam runs towards the exit .

"But what if .. Forth.... is gay... hey Beammmm ." Pha shouts but Beam has already left ..


# In engineering faculty #

The class has already ended . Forth was about to call Lam when a girl calls him .

"P'Forth .."

"Yeah ! What happene.......eeee.. ?" Forth was about to fall bacause a boy suddenly jumped on his shoulder from the back .

" Ai.. Forth ! Come on , give your bestfriend a piggyback ride ."


(Best friend ? 🤪)

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