"I thought we were past that," she growled through gritted teeth. She hated the way she used her full name to draw out an answer.

"Apparently not. Not if you can't tell me a truth that I already know."

"Alright! Fine. I admit it." She wasn't sure what she was admitting to, but she knew it was the truth either way. "How is it different to Thomas, his brother, with you?"

She expected Tatiana to turn and glare at her, to snap and order her not to mention the man. But she did no such thing. She was amused, unaffected, and Ana was almost jealous.

"I have no emotion with him," she said. "You have too much sister."

"Don't you think I already know, Tatiana. I know." Her voice settled. "It scares me."

She spoke the truth.

"Be like the old Ana. The Ana who would sooner cut at him than look at him twice. The old Ana wouldn't have cared, wouldn't have been affected."

"The old Ana was left out. Used," she snapped, but Tatiana chuckled icily.

"Not anymore."

"I understand." Ana nodded. "Why do you think he looked so kicked?"

The image of John's shock played over in her head. He had looked hurt as if she had betrayed him with her words. But then she remembered last night, of the darkness that had over come his features as she let him in, ran her hands down his back. He looked blissful, relieved actually. She wouldn't talk of that night.

They eventually stepped out of the card, sliding out onto the driveway and setting there way to the front door of their Aunt's house. Before she could open the door, Tatiana patted Ana's cheek. The action reminded her of their grandmother.

"That's my baby sister," Tatiana said, as she lead them into the house. "You know Petrovna blood cannot love."

"You know that isn't true, Tatiana." Their mother stepped out into the hallway, making Tatiana scoff. "I am Petrovna, and I love my daughters."

"You are no Petrovna. You and Aunt may have married into the same family, but she was made for it. You are not Petrovna as we are," Tatiana barked, a snarl on her lips as she glared at her mother.


Tatiana stepped in front of her sister. "You don't love us, stop lying."

"Stop deceiving us, Tatiana. I love you more than life." Ekaterina chose to step back, staring coldly at her daughter.

"You love your own life more than anything. You're lying to us about something," she said.

"Perhaps it is not me who is lying. But it is dear Ana who is being lied to," her mother turned to her, letting her face drop into a soft frown as she beckoned her to move to the library, where they had sat for tea once.

"Don't listen to her," Tatiana hissed.

"Stop it. Stop it, both of you." Ana was sick of it. "I will not listen to it. I am back to how I always was. That means no more sides, no more deceit."

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