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As they all walked out to investigate, the bird flew away and they all looked around for something else, until a twig snapped, Edmund pushes Y/N behind him.

They look around for the source of the sound, one more tiwg snapped on the other side of them and another 'psst' was heard, once again.

The children all huddled closer together, scared out of their skins, a beaver suddenly appeared in front of the younglings, "Its a beaver?" Lucy speaks in complete confusion.

Peter steps forward, holding his hand out, "Here boy. Here boy." He begs the beaver, clicking his tounge against the roof of his mouth.

"I ain't gonna smell it if that's what you want." It spoke, Peter retrieves his hand, embarrassed, "Oh sorry." he apologises.

"Lucy Pevensie?" the animal calls out, Lucy' small giggles died down and walks forward to the small being, "Yes?" she asks.

The beaver handed Lucy a tissue, "Hey. That's the tissue I gave to Mr Tum-" not being able to finish her small sentence, she got cut off by the beaver.

"Tumnus. He got it to me before they took him." The animal states, "Is he alright?" Y/N asks, not knowing who Mr Tumnus was.

The beaver looks down before whispering, "Futher in." and began to walk further into the forest.

Lucy and Peter go to follow him, only for Susan and Y/N to stop them. "What are you doing?" The two girls ask, "They're right. How do we know we can trust him." Edmund walks forward.

"He said he knows the faun." Peter speaks, "He's a beaver, he shouldn't saying anything!" Susan points out.

"Everything alright?" The beaver calls out, "Yes. We're just talking." Peter answers, looking at the animal.

"That's better for safer quarters." The beaver says, walking back into the forest. "He means the trees." Lucy speaks, looking at her siblings.

Finally the children followed the small animal, as they looked around for any sights of attackers.

"Come on! We don't wanna be caught out here after night fall!" The beaver calls out the the children.

The group pass through the mountains in a tiny spot that led them through. When they appeared on the other side, they could see a small dam.

"Ah, blimey! Looks like the old girl has got thr kettle on, nice cup o' rosy lee" The beaver sighs.

"It's lovely." Lucy compliments, "It's merely a trifle. Still plenty to do, ain't quite finished yet. It'll look like business when it is though." The beaver says.

Y/N holds on Edmund' hand, scared to fall into the snow.

"Beaver is that you!? I've been worried sick!" A female beaver walks out, "If I find you've been out with badger again." she stops talking once she sees who was there.

"Well those aren't badgers," She speaks, looking around the children. "Oh. I never thought I'd live the see this day." she adds, then turns to her husband.

"Look at my fur. You couldn't give me a ten minute warning?" she scolds the male, "I'd have given you a week if I thought it would've helped" Mr beaver speaks, making everyone laugh.

"Oh come inside! And we'll see if we can get you some food and some civilised company." She invites the children inside, walking towards her home.

Everyone has sat at the table, except Edmund, who sat on the stairs, Y/N looked at her friend in confusion, he just shook his head and looked down to the ground once more but Y/N still sits beside him.

"Isn't there anything we can do to help Mr Tumnus?" Peter asks, "They'll have taken him to the Witch. You know what they say: there's few that go through them gates that come out again." Mr beaver states.

Y/N turns to Edmund, shock impaled in her face, he shrugs, taking hold of her hand once more.

"Aslan is on the move." Mr beaver speaks, "Who's Aslan?" Edmund asks. The beaver laughs at Edmunds question, but stopped once his wife gave him a nudge and turns to look at the, confused, children.

"You don't know, do you?" The animal asks, "Well, we haven't been here very long." Y/N says, "Well, he's only the king of the whole woods. The real king of Narnia." Mr beaver explains.

Y/N looks at Edmund, the two look at each other, wondering if, maybe they should find the Queen.

"He's waiting for us?" Lucy asks, "You're blimin' joking!" Mr beaver exclaims and turns to his wife.

Edmund pats Y/N' shoulder, she turns to him, "Should we go?" He asks her, "To the Queen?" Edmund nods, Y/N thinks about it, maybe they should, but on the other hand, she didn't want anymore arguments.

"I'm not going, Ed," Y/N tells the boy, he nods, "Be careful" She whispers to him and kisses him on the cheek.

He stands up, quietly, and walks out.

Y/N stands up and sits next to Lucy by the table.

The beaver continues talking about some prophecy that the children had made come true, that the leader of Narnia, the true leader, was waiting for them by a stone table.

"Two sons of Adam and three daughters of eve will defeat the White Witch and restore peace in Narnia." Mrs beaver explains.

The children look at each other.

"You think we're the ones?" Peter asks, "It has to be! 'Cause Aslan already made you an army!" Mr beaver exclaims.

Y/N eyes widen, "Our army?" she asks, "Mum sent us away so we wouldn't get caught up in the army." Susan speaks to her older brother.

"I think you've made a mistake, we're not heroes." Peter said, "We're from Finchley." Susan adds on.

"Thank you for your hospitality," Susan stood, "But we really have to go." she finishes,

"What?" Y/N asks, trying to hold the older Pevensie down so they won't notice that Edmund had left.

"Y/N," Peter starts, "We can't fight." Y/N looks at the boy then Lucy, "What about Mr Tumnus?" she asks.

"I'm sorry," Peter apologises to the beavers, "But it's time the five of us were getting home." he states and stands up.

"Ed?" Susan calls our for her younger brother, Y/N' eyes widen, "Oh no." she mutters under her breath.

"I'm gonna kill him," Peter sneers.


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