Everything was fine, her father and her lived in peace for years until a year ago when a man of Naraku came, challenging her father. They battled and from the side lines it would look like the dog demon was winning but this Naraku had plans, ones that killer her father before her very eyes. Naraku laughed when her father had fallen and talked about how pathetic and weak he was. But Kanji knew how wrong he was. Her father was not weak she knew when he lost her mother a piece of him died along with her. But he was far from weak.

She thought that this Naraku would have stuck around, attempt to kill her also but he did not, he vanished in the air with a thick cloud of poison surrounding him. Kanji rushed to her fathers side as his breathing slowed down with each breath.

"Find the one known as Sesshomaru. Look for the crescent on his forehead." Tears were falling from her eyes onto his mokomoko.

"Father, you can't leave me yet, I need you." He raised his hand to her cheek and gave his daughter a reassuring smile.

"As long as the mark on your forehead is there, you will have me and your mother here with you. Take the sword your mother and I made it, just for you when you were ready to wield it." She nodded a bit, trying to stop her tears from falling from her eyes as she watch her own father, the only family she had left leave her. She sat there for a while, trying to think of what to do. Finally she knew she had to set out on her own journey to find this Sesshomaru.

Getting up she dug a shallow grave for her father, ripping off his mokomoko and armor putting it on. If he wasn't allowed to stay in the living with her she would take a piece of him with her, forever. With one last look at her father she took the sword that had fallen beside him before gently putting him in his grave. She didn't want her father to feel any kind of pain after death as he did in life. For a year she trained harder, got stronger. The hanyo was as strong as a real demon. Her father would have been proud of her.

As she came back to reality she saw beyond the tops of the trees there were bright lights shinning brightly, she followed them unafraid. She leaned against a tree watching as the demon wielded his sword at the red clothed hanyo that was having trouble holding his own sword as a group of people stood there and watched. She was unimpressed at the actions from both of the white haired men.

"Ah, Tessaiga has become heavier I see." The older one said with such ease and control.

"It's become a lot heavier you stupid jackass." The red clothed hanyo growled back. This made Kanji smirk, for a untrained hanyo he's confident. She thought

"Hm, the sword's too heavy for you.. You're better off without it!" Clashing swords he sent the young hanyo's sword in the air making it land a few feet from her. As the group that had been watching gasped in shock the monk stepped forward looking at the sword.

"Look at Tessaiga!"

"Inuyasha!" The girl in weird clothing shouted.

Hm, so this hanyo's name is Inuyasha.

"Miroku, Kagome, look. Who is that." A woman next to the monk said. As if the two white haired men heard everyone stopped and looked over at her.

"Who the hell are you?" The one named Inuyasha said. She didn't answer as she stepped out of the shadows, her face blank. She stopped in front of the sword they said was Tessaiga and grasped it into her hand.

"Hey! That's my sword! Take your claws off it!" Inuyasha yelled. And in that moment she took it out of the ground raising it above her head making it transform into its true form making everyone gasp.

"H-how is she be able to do that?" The girl who was able to notice Kanji first said, her eyes wide with shock.

"Hm, how pathetic. Another disgusting half breed interpting me." the Lord of the Western lands said. Kanji was offended that he would say such things without even sparing her a glance but she kept her face in a bored expression.

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