Chapter two: Kep

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The little boy approaches the main gates of Kep.

"Halt!" Shouts one of the guards standing on either side of the gates. "Oh, it's you, go on in boy. Open the gates!" The guard would shout out to the gate keeper.

The gate keeper is a giant, he grabs the chains and pulls with his mighty force, opening one of the gates. Dalibor happily strides into the kingdom and makes his way through to the trade district, as usual.
He walks through the mud, the narrow alleys, then finally arriving at the trade district. The trade district is famous for its wide range of goods, people all across Terra would gather here and do buisness.
Something catches Dalibor's eyes in a far corner, a dark distorted figure.
As he walks closer, it would seem like a poor, old woman in a black robe, sitting on the mud with a basket in her hands full of green, shiny looking apples.

"May I have one?" Dalibor murmured. The poor woman looks up, as the hood falls off. Dalibor looks at her left eye, having a small shock.

"What happened to your eye ma'am?" He asks, staring at the black eye.

"Oh, it's nothing... Here, first apple 's free! Hehehe." She then takes an apple, offering it to Dalibor.

Dalibor takes the apple whilst staring at the black eye, perplexed. "T-thank you ma'am, I'm sure your eye will get better." He quietly suggest.

"Some things don't get better. Now, run along child." She looks at him giggling.

Dalibor nods at her and runs off to search for Alvor, one of his good friends.
Alvor is the lower class blacksmith for the Elven sector of the kingdom. Dalibor reaches Alvors smithery, slowly sneaking up on him. Alvor could see him off the reflection of the water pretending to still work, as Dalibor jumps on his back hugging him tighly, smiling as he is always pleased to visit him.
Alvor throws him off onto the wool that's stacked up beside the anvil. "So anything new Alvor?" Dalibor asks him curiously.
"Oh, yes. Very new boy, I have a gift for you." Alvor looks at him then back to the small fresh made sword, slowly pushing it into water to finish it.

"And what may that be? Oh! I bet Ella lost another sheep!" He laughs at the taught of Ella chasing after the sheep as there are too many for the poor dog.

"Oh, nooo, she's doing fine haha! Come 'ere kid." Dalibor stands up and runs over to Alvor, gasping.

"This, is for you. It's 'bout time you've had one of these! Your very own one too!" Holding the freshly new made sword in his hands, offering it to Dalibor.

"Yes, Finally! My very own sword! Thank you Alvor! I'll take good care of this sword!" Dalibor grabbs the sword out of Alvors hands and smiles.

"Just try not to kill anything, haha" laughs and smiles at Dalibor. "I will teach you how to use this lethal force to your advantage, just come tomorrow at sunrise and meet me at Helga's farm." Explains to Dalibor, putting his hand on his shoulder, changing his tone of voice.
"Just, stay safe."

Dalibor smiles and nods. "I'll definitely come to you tomorrow! Thank you again!" His eyes would light up brighter than a dragons raging flame.

He runs off, swinging his new sword around carelessly, arriving at Keplars store to collect his basket of bread and veggies.

"Take care Dal'!" The shop keeper smiles and shoo's him away.

Before going he grabs a carrot, then quickly runs away. He walks out of the district and looks at the guard he always passes every week, and points his sword at him "Ghrroaaa!" he would let out his fierce, mighty roar.

"Careful with that thing, it's not a toy anymore" pushing the sword away.
Dalibor then happily skips away, following the dirt road as goods from other cities are being imported on carriages to Kep.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2014 ⏰

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