-Jisungs POV-

Jisung was almost finished his homework and decided to take a break from it as he was getting quite stressed and needed to take a break after all his homework he has done.....so he decided to go down and get something to eat.......but before he did he got a message from the person that immediately makes him happy when he sees the name.....Minho.....


"Hiya Minho....u okay ?"

"Yeah I'm okay....how r u....?"

"Good now...."

Jisung kinda regretted putting the last part as Minho might take it the wrong way but he pushed them thoughts away as he might be just overthinking things again.......

"Why wasn't you before...?is it anything like what you was like this morning when I found you knelt down holding your heart ?......"

"Oh no....don't worry it's just I have been doing so much homework and just got a little bit stressed so I'm having a little break but I'm almost finished anyway......"

"Well why don't you have the rest of the night off your homework coz you might get more stressed if you overwork yourself..."

"No really it's okay...."



"Please take the rest of the night off your homework....please.....I will help you with your homework tomorrow when I come round if you want so you don't get too stressed......"

"Okay fine I will have the night off.....but only coz you want me to and you don't have to help me tomorrow let's just have fun.....as it will be our first time hanging out we still need to get to know each other a lot more so I don't think we should spend it doing homework......"

"Okay.....as long as you don't overwork yourself I will be fine..."

"I won't don't worry Minho...😅..."

Jisung smiles at his phone when he knew Minho cared about him a lot which made him feel loads more comfortable with Minho then he already did.....he sorta blushed.....
"No I'm not falling for him yet....I don't even know him and I don't even know if he is gay like me he will probably be straight by the way he is....agh what is happening to me I don't even know him hardly and I'm feeling feelings for him ???" Jisung thought to himself.....
When he was knocked out of his thoughts when his mom knocked on his door and came in
"Mom...?"jisung noticed his mother now in his room
"Jisung....what you blushing at..?"his mom noticed how he was blushing
"I'm not mom I don't know what your talking  about...."jisung says quickly covering his red cheeks
"Mmm sure" she replies with a giggle
"Did you want me or something....?" Asks jisung
"Yeah.....just I never knew you knew lee Minho ?? And he will be dropped off at ours at 10:30 tomorrow to hang out with you so me and his mom can chat aha it's been so long" says jisungs mom which made jisung confused as apparently his mom knew minhos mom ???
"Oh...uh....yeah I know Minho and we was planning on hanging out tomorrow anyway but how do you know his mom....?"asks jisung so confused on how she knows minhos mom
"We met in college and have been really close ever since but it's been quite a while since we have talked and even longer since we met up with each other......"replies his mom
"Oh well....that's good I guess ?....so is he coming here straight away at 10:30??"asks jisung
"Yeah....that's okay right...?"asks his mother
"Yeah.....it's just we was gonna go shopping first before we came back....."explains jisung
"You still can go shopping....once me and his mom have caught up on each other and when I go to work okay....so that I know you have remembered the key when you go out...."says his mom knowing how clumsy jisung can be sometimes
"Aha😅okay mom now can I text Minho now by myself" asks jisung
"Ahhh.....so that's why you was blushing when I walked in....aha your taking to Minho...."says his mom with a big smile on her face
"Mommm I wasn't blushing" says jisung once again starting to blush from the mention of minhos name
"Yeah....okayyy Aha well I will let you talk to him in peace then"says his mom walking out
"Aishhh my mom even knows I like him now..I can't stop blushing whenever I hear his name....it's like I'm connected to him in some way.....if I'm blushing just hearing his name what am I gonna he like when I meet him in person....."jisung says to himself

Apart but still together~ minsungKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat