sixty-seven ⭐️ at last

Start from the beginning

JUDI stops, realizing that Patty intends to marry her one day.

JUDI: I don't know if I'd like to dance to a oldies song or a song you wrote for me.

PATTY chuckles.

AWSTEN: I'm so scared that I'm going to stutter when I read out my vows.

PATTY: I'm sure you'll be fine.

AWSTEN: [looks at him] You're not the one getting married today. [goes back to Judi] I don't want to say my vows in front of everyone.

PATTY: Why not?

AWSTEN: I'm not used to being romantic in public.

PATTY: It's just y'all's families.

AWSTEN: Exactly. Some of them aren't as... accepting as the others, and that terrifies me.

JUDI: If they're homophobic, then why did they even come?

AWSTEN: I don't know... they were probably peer pressured into going by our other family members. They were invited so we could look nice, but I wasn't expecting them to actually come.

PATTY: Well, that shouldn't matter to you anyway because this is your day. This whole event is for you and Geoff, not them.

AWSTEN: Yeah, you're right.

Someone knocks at the door.

STRANGER: It's Geoff.

Judi and Patty scurry to collect the kids and their possessions. They wish Geoff luck before exiting the hotel room.


Awsten stands up quickly, dusting off his jacket just to make sure he looks presentable for his soon-to-be husband.

GEOFF: [sees Awsten] Oh my God, [puts his hand to his mouth] you're so handsome. [begins sobbing, opens his arms] Come here.

AWSTEN cries into GEOFF's shoulder as they share a warm embrace.

AWSTEN: I love you so much.

GEOFF: I love you too.

AWSTEN pulls back and kisses GEOFF.

AWSTEN: I never imagined us to be here. I mean, I had hoped for it, obviously,!but I never thought it would actually happen.

GEOFF: Me too. [fluffs up Awsten's hair] You look gorgeous.

AWSTEN: You look hot.

GEOFF gives AWSTEN another kiss.

GEOFF: In an hour and a half, we're going to be husbands.

AWSTEN: That's insane.

GEOFF: It is. My funny little fan is going to be the person I spend the rest of my life with.

Awsten laughs.

AWSTEN: You were the one who had a serious crush first. You were still just a celebrity crush when you started having feelings for me.

but do we dare split apart? // ig // gawsten/pawstenWhere stories live. Discover now