bokuaka </3

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bokuaka </3
this takes place after high school graduation .
before i begin , i would like to give yall a qoute to remember through out this story .
" your first love is the most painful and the one that lasts the shortest "
with that lets start ,

bokuto and akaashi . both teenagers who have graduated high school . inseparable friends and secret lovers . however not everything is rainbows and sunshine . bokuto and akaashi are persuing different career paths which led them to different universities. bokuto is at tokyo while akaashi studied abroad.

the pair didnt meet often but would always face time each other to check up . once in awhile akaashi goes back to tokyo and bokuto visits him abroad. everything was amazing . long distance was great . however they do not know what fate has planned for them.

school work started flooding in. both overwhelmed with the amount work they are receiving. thus making them drift futher and further apart . last night calls were no longer an option as both were exhausted and sleep deprived . time after time , conversations were dying and dry . meet ups werent as frequent and bokutos feelings are starting to fade .

however , akaashi's feelings were still persistent. he knew bokuto's feelings were fading . he could feel it . the vibe and emotions were off . he could not do anything but accept the fact that this was how it is . this is how they were meant to be.

akaashi could not bare this. the feeling of being forgotten . the feeling of never being enough . meanwhile bokuto has found a new friend. a friend who could physically be there for him any time of the day . a friend that slowly took akaashi's place in bokuto's life . bokuaka was just a fever dream to bokuto but it was everything to akaashi .

one day, akaashi has had enough. he decided that he wanted to surprise bokuto in tokyo . he wanted bokuto to remember the times they had together . their first date , their first kiss , their first everything . he decided to fly to tokyo and surprise bokuto at his university.

he was approaching the university , grinning like an idiot excited to see the love of his life . but he did not expect the love of his life to be kissing another person. his heart broke . what was happening? the emotion he was feeling. it was overwhelming . they did not official break up . he fell to his knees . sobbing . his heart sank. how can bokuto be like this? how can he move on from all the memories he had and put that behind him.

akaashi was furious and disappointed. he wanted to confront bokuto . but thought it was best not to . he was waiting at the bus stop . he saw bokuto exiting the school . he sat somewhere hidden from him . bokuto started walking home . akaashi wanted to confront him so badly .

however , bokuto being as clueless as he is , he was blasting music and did not notice there was a car speeding towards him. akaashi could not bare the thought of seeing him getting hit . he sprinted and pushed bokuto away causing akaashi to get hit instead .

bokuto fell and turned towards the accident. he saw akaashi lying on the ground . blood pooling around his head. he rushed towards akaashi sobbing . he craddled akaashi in his hands as he called an ambulance. he was crying uncontrollably. akaashi's breathing was shallow .

bokuto then said
" akaashi please do not risk your life for me . u came abroad to see me and ended up in an accident " he said between sobs

" bokuto.. i- i love yo- " akaashi said . he wasnt able go finish his sentence . he was gasping for air and had became unconscious.

*cue over again - one direction*

bokuto started sobbing more.

" akaashi- please stay with me i love you too please dont go . dont leave me alone akaashi- " bokuto said . pleading for akaashi to cling on to his life.

the ambulance arrived . paramedics were at the scene . they tried finding a pulse. there was no more pulse. they searched and searched but nothing. not even a faint heart beat.

" GET THE DEFIBRILLATOR STAT " yelled the paramedic team

they got it to start back his life . trying their best  to bring him back . nothing. he was gone.

the rain started pouring, the world became dark and dim. everything was passing by. everything didnt make sense. how can the world be so cruel?

bokuto's world started spinning . his breathing unsteady and eyes were swollen and red . he sobbed over akaashi's body full of regret and guilt . how can he bring himself to love someone else while the love of his life was abroad constantly thinking about him . he was filled with guilt . his world was turned upside down.

however , the person that got hurt most out of this was akaashi. he died trying to save the love of his life . he died without telling bokuto how he really felt . without taking bokuto out on a date one last time. he died full of regrets and he could not take anything back.

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