"No, I didn't get hurt." I knew it was a lie but I didn't need him to worry more than he needed to.

"Then what happened?"

"Nothing important." He gave me a look that said 'I don't care to tell me so I gave him my 'I don't want to talk' look.

"Whatever I got another case if you guys want." Bobby walked behind his desk and pick up some papers and gave them to me. I thought it was weird he said you guys and not just one or the other.

It was the case papers. The case was in Iowa. A young college kid was killed on mile 9 road. I was looking for the description but the eyewitness said 'the killer was invisible.

The boys were still talking after I was done reading through the case. It sounded like they were just catching up.

"I say we do this," I say to the boys. Bobby looked shocked that I wanted to work with the boys.

"Alright then where are we headed?" Sam asked. I gave him the case so the boys could look over it. We got our stuff ready and were heading out to our cars when Sam spoke up.

"Y/n why don't you just ride with us so we can all talk about the case." He suggested 

"Okay yeah, that would be smart." I got my stuff in the Impala and we were off. 

The boys and I were trying to think of a disguise. We thought about FBI but went with college transfer students.

The boys and I pulled up to where the victim lived.

"What are we doing here?" Sam asked as we got out of the car.

"This is where the victim lived," Dean said as we walked up to one of the boys that lived here. "Nice wheels. We just transferred here from Ohio, and are looking for a place to stay."

"You boys can stay in room 24, but the girl cant." The Frat boy said looking at me.

"Don't worry I won't I'm just..." I had to think of something and fast. "I'm just dropping my boyfriend off." I took Dean's hand in mine to make it look like we were dating.

"Alright, there is a sorority house not far from here. They should have room for you." He didn't look like he wanted to talk anymore so we thanked him and started to the boy's room. I would go find my way to the sorority house later.

We get to the room and see a shirtless frat boy with yellow shorts and purple paint on.

He looks at us confused then says "who are you?"

"Were your new roommates" Sam replied

"Oh sweet. Could one of you get my back big game today." He looked at the boys than at me.

"He's the artist. Isn't that right Sam." I said and patted Sam's shoulder. Sam takes the brush and can and gets to work looking a little embarrassed.

Dean went over to the only chair in the room and sat, then picked up a magazine looking at the name on the front of it.

"So Murph is it true?" Dean ask. Straight to the point.

Murph told us everything he knew about what happened on 9 mile road. I found out that I would be staying with an eyewitness, Lori Sorensen.

She was the reverend's daughter. What better way to meet her than to go to church.

We got to the church and went in. Dean opened the door for me and walks in after I do, Sam coming in last letting the door slam. Everyone looked at us, I could feel my cheeks heat up. We took a seat at the back of the chapel.

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