I wanna stop time
When this moment is done
Would it be like a fantasy
Would I forget you
I’m afraid afraid afraid,"

Me and my mom are gonna start a small coffee shop. We don't have enough money for my education yet. All my college savings went on this building.

"My heart lets out a desperate sound
I can’t tell if it’s fantasy or reality
My paradise
Please don’t go deep into the woods
My heart pours affection on you
My feelings melt and leak
(I just wanna dissolve)
My love is eternal
It’s all FREE for you"

About school, I never really liked school. I'm only telling you this cause I'm gonna burn this book anyway. No one can read this book.

"Be by my side
Will you promise me
If I touch you I’m afraid you’d fly away or break
I’m afraid afraid afraid,

I wanna stop time
When this moment is done
Would it be like a fantasy
Would I forget you
I’m afraid afraid afraid,

Butterfly, like a butterfly
Almost Butterfly, bu butterfly like
Butterfly, like a butterfly
Almost Butterfly, bu butterfly like."

It was the first day of high school. I thought it'll be great. But no.

*7 January 2009*

Why on earth is he not taking his phone I've been calling him for 10 minutes?

"Junggguukkk-aaaah I'm getting pissed off call me when you get this I'm gonna kill you." I left a voicemail and continued my way to the school from his home. I walked in to the school to see the corridors packed with kids walking at all directions.

"Locker Number 213" I kept on muttering till I found my locker.

"Jungkook?" I called as I spotted him next to my locker. Great, his locker is next to mine. "Hey, where were you? I almost died at your doorstep." I opened my locker and started dumping the books I brought.

He wasn't giving an answer so I closed my locker. But he wasn't there. I swear I just saw him here a second ago.

"Class 8-C" I chanted quietly as I searched for my class. I finally found it after hell of a long time. I scanned through the class list of thirty students. Jungkook is not here. Guess we have different homerooms. I grabbed a seat which wasn't occupied in the front row, right corner.

Jungkook where are you?

Class. Why?

Why didn't you wait for
me today? And why
didn't you answer me
back at the locker?

Look Hari. We are
teenagers now. I don't
play on the swing anymore.
We aren't kids,
but practically adults.
We might have a good
childhood together but
I think it's time to get a
move on. I'm sorry to say
this but I don't wanna be
seen with someone like you.
So let's go on different
paths from now on.

*Jungricekooker blocked you*

Well, you see. Telling me to stop talking wasn't enough. He went on and blocked me, like I don't have feelings.

After a long thirty minute drive into the city we stopped at a coffee shop.


It was a coffee shop before, but the owners decided to open a restaurant. So they even gifted the machines, because they won't be any use when cooking salad and chicken.

"Well, let's get moving, the place will need a makeover." My mom said smiling as we went inside.

"What are you talking about? You're the boss" I let out a laugh.

"Well, then I'm assigning you to select a theme while I go and clean up upstairs." She went to the back door, which has the stairs right to the second floor.

I looked around. The previous owners didn't seem to like much decorations. The walls were painted plain white, and there were some single wooden vases on shelves. The shop didn't seem too small. There were twenty tables, five single, five for families and ten for two.

"So, any idea yet?" Mom came in and checked some cupboards I'm the kitchen area, which can be seen to the customers.

"I'm still thinking. We’ll need some flowers for the vases. We can repaint after we get enough money.”

"Nothing else?" Mom asked, a hint of doubt in her tone. She usually gets really surprised at my simplicity.

"Yeah, this place seems fine for now. Customers will feel uneasy if there's too much. We want them to feel comfortable."

"Okay then, we need to buy some ingredients and fix a menu and get the place running as soon a s possible. We need to be on business as soon as we can." I nod and went to check out the kitchen for yourself. "Hari, I'll be out to buy the remaining things. Can you make a menu? You remember what we used to make back at home right."

"Yeah. I will. Just Be safe."

"Yes I will. Bye" She gave a warm smile before going out. I locked the door and made myself busy on making the menu.


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