At the hospital....again

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You guys are in the room and Kio comes in with food and drinks.

Y:Kio I have a question

K: what's up

Y: am I going home soon?

K:not for a little while

Y: what about the boys?

K: I just texted them and they won't be here till tomorrow cause they have to fix the window.


You eventually fell asleep. But Kio had a suprise for you.

K: hey wake up

Y:why what's  happening

You wake up to see....Avani your best friend in the whole wide world You start smiling uncontrollably

K: I knew you would like it.

Y: best suprise yet.

You give Kio a hug

Av= Avani

Av: I'm going to be staying here with you guys until your out


You get your meds like usual and get your bandage retapped.

K: you good...

You whimper cause of the pain

Avani starts holding your hand. You start crying cause the pain in your hip. The boys come in and see you crying and ask what's wrong

Y: my hip hurts really badly

Jh: do you want me to go get a nurse?

Y: no not yet at least

7 hours pass by and you fall asleep on Payton

P: hey guys can you get me a bag of chips?

N: sure thing. What do you want

P: don't care.

N: ok

The nurse comes in and says your allowed to go home. Once you get home you go to your room and take a shower.

The boys are cooking dinner and all of a sudden they hear a bang

"Upstairs "

You collapse and you could move just enough to change and get your phone to call Pay

P: are you ok.

Y:no..... I can't move

P: are you dressed

Y: yes I just need to go to the hospital again cause I'm not ok

P: ok let me get the boys

Payton carries you to the car. Josh is speeding and down the highway. Luckily you didn't get pulled over.

Jh: we need a nurse

Nu= nurse

Nu: ok

The nurse grabs the nearest bed and places you on it.

Y: I need Payton to come

Nu: he cant

Y: please?

The nurse looks at you then at Payton.

Nu: Payton come on

You and Payton hold hands

Nu: she needs surgery

P: wait what?!


P: ok

Y: wait can Payton come?

Nu: I'm sorry but he can't come in the room

Y: what about my brother??

Nu: nobody can but they can watch at the top window...ok?

You shake your head yes.

Nu: ok

She smiles then gets the nurses to get you into the surgery room.

Payton runs back to the boys

P: she needs surgery

K: how long?

P: the nurse never said

Jh: well my little sister has to be ok

N: she will be

B: yea I mean she survived with you half her life

Josh just gives him the "I'm going to kill you if you don't shut up" look

A: Josh she will be alright. She is tough

Four hours pass by and you still aren't out yet. The boys kept nagging the nurses how much longer it will take.


THANK YOU FOR THE READS❤️ you all mean the world to me. Sorry I haven't been updating as much but that's because of school work and everything in between. Hope you guys like the story and sorry for the long chapter . I could keep writing it but my wrist hurts and I'm starting to have thumb cramps😂anyways love you. Bye✌️

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