Chapter 16 - Swan Song of Love

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Carol's POV:

It had been three days since Carly's wedding and I hadn't done much. I hadn't felt like scaring people ever since then. It wasn't a good time for me. All I ever heard was Erik playing the piano. I knew something was happening to him. All he did was sit there. He didn't talk, he didn't eat, he didn't play Phantom. Something wasn't right. It was early in my day and I was laying my bed and staring at the ceiling. Suddenly I heard a song. It wasn't the same as he had been playing. I walked to the doorway and watched him. As the music hit my ears I knew what it was for. It was his swan song. The swan song to his love for Christine. He started to sing softly and I realized he much have forgotten I was here. I could just barely catch what he was singing but I knew he was giving up on Christine forever. I felt relieved. She was gone. I had found a newspaper recently and it had said she was expecting her second child. It was about time he let her go. He stood up from the piano and took a small painting of her from his piano. He walked over to the fireplace and tossed it in. I could see his shoulders shaking. He turned away from the fire before the painting was even completely burned. He sat back at his piano and started to sing,

No more talk of darkness

Forget these wide-eyed fears

I'm here, nothing can harm you

My words will warm and calm you

Let me be your freedom

Let daylight dry your tears

I'm here, with you, beside you

To guard you and to guide you

Suddenly I remembered the song and felt a strange urge to sing along. I had read his music for it and even tried to sing it. I loved the song so much.

Say you'll love me every waking moment

Turn my head with talk of winter (AN: It used to be summer) time

Say you need me with you now and always

Promise me that all you say is true

That's all I ask of you

Erik froze as I sang that but he quickly picked up on his lines.

Let me be your shelter

Let me be your night (AN: It used to be light)

You're safe, no one can find you

Your fears are far behind you

I quickly replied,

All I want is freedom

A world with no more light (AN: It used to be night.)

And you, always beside me

To hold me and to hide me

Erik replied,

Then say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime

Let me lead you from you solitude

Say you need me with you here, beside you

Anywhere you go, let me go too

Carol, (AN: It used to be Christine) that's all I ask of you

I answered his call with,

Say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime

Say the word and I will follow you

Together we sang to the roof of his home,

Share each day with me, each night, each morning

I sang alone,

Say you love me

Erik turned to me and I could see the tears hanging in his eyes as he said,

You know I do

Together we sang,

Love me, that's all I ask of you.

Anywhere you go, let me go too

Love me, that's all I ask of you

I walked toward him as he finished and said,

“Erik, I meant every word I sang. I am not completely sure if you are over Christine but I love you.”


Author's Note:

Dear Readers,

I know that song was from the movie but I thought it fit perfectly. And I know that Raoul sang it to Christine but I KNOW that it would work perfectly for Erik and Carol. I hope you think so as well. Well, I hope this book is going how you would like. I am about half way through. Don't worry, lot's more to come.


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