The Hot Billionare... ch9

Start from the beginning

"Oh you're wearing it alright and you're going to this party" Stacy said, "even if you get mad at me and leave me behind, I'll drop you off at his place myself. Whats his name anyways?" she asked

"Tyler" I said with a tired sigh

"Wait... I thought Carlos was..."

"Tyler's the guy you saw me talking to in the shops" I sighed again and she gasped

"He... thats HIM!?!" she yelled, "you LIED to me about not knowing him!!"

"I dont!"

"Seems like you do"

"Trust me Stacy I dont know him. he's just annoying me" I pleaded

"Wait a minute... is he who you were talking about when you asked me whats a hot and annoying but sweet guy? Mr. Adventerous?!"

"No, I didn't say sweet"

"Whatever. Where did you meet?"


"You mean the guy that gave you five hundred dollars?"


"Oh my gosh are you guys....?"


"Sor-ree jeez. Though you should. I would totally go for him. he's hot"

"He's annoying"

"He's into you"

"No he's not"

"Yeah, keep telling yourself that" Stacy said sarcastically, "and you kinda like him too"

"What?!" she gave the bikini back to me and the invitation and began the car, backing it out of the parking lot.

"Aw come on, if you didn't like him you'd treat him like you treat the guys at our school" she said

"And how do I treat them?" I asked

"You ignore them completely, and you think they are annoying, and you hate them. You dont hate Tyler. You like him"

"No I dont! He's annoying!"

"Yeah and you guys fight a lot right?"

"where's this going?"

"For a straight A student Lizzie you can be dumb" Stacy said

"Thanks" I replied sarcastically

"No seriously. You are... you know what... nevermind, I'll leave you two alone and you can learn how to date as you go, seems like Tyler's doing a good job teaching you so far... and Carlos."

"Stacy, you're crazy" I rolled my eyes

"No. I'm wise" she said, her chin rising up, "so... what are you doing tonight?"

"Going to work" I said

"Wrong. You're going to the party, I'll get you a day off so you can go enjoy yourself with your..." I shot her a look, "... friend"

"I'm not going to the party Stacy"

"Yes... you are" she smiled at me and returned her eyes to the road.

~~~5 hours later~~~~

7pm. I'm going to the party... and Stacy's coming along.

I was finished dressing up, and got out of my room to my waiting sister, best friend, and Joe, who was lazily watching television. Stacy had curled my hair and put some make-up on me, transforming me completely.  A huge grin spread across her face when she saw me, and Stephanie's mouth was wide open.

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