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Resuming what you left mid way always makes you sweat buckets. And so did Renuka. She was standing up from her seat with her fearful and shameful face in front of an agitated Professor Sekhawat. 

But when isn't he aggitated? He is always she thought.

"Now, Miss Renuka. I believe I haven't ask a question out from the next chapter. Did I?" His voice held the venom which so wanted to skirmish her alive. Anything to disturb the primness she maintained.

Actually Sir it's a girls talk. Nothing for you to listen, you know. Just that I might be getting married to be away from all of this hocus pocus. Specially this class. She so wanted to spill it like this.

She remained quiet and her eyes stuck to her desk. Her ears and eyes knew that students were making fun of her careless attitude. The embarrassment now had coursed through her veins and is now on route to roll down as tears of dissapointment. 

" You disturbed my class. Off course IF you do remember you are in the class. Precisely in MY CLASS." His voice was slowly reaching octaves. Despite the calm composure he kept holding on to.

"Sir ?" Another female voice caught his attention.

"What now, Miss Sumita? " He was annoyed with Sumita's involvement now. Professor Sekhawat knew that his class has already ended with the bell ringing loudly from the corridor but he still didn't let a single soul out of his eyes. His eyes now narrowed down to Sumita. 

"Sir, it was actually my pen which was lost in the middle of the class and since you were giving us home assignments, I asked Renuka for her help. Once you leave the class, the whiteboard will be erased  like always. So I took a pen I kept as a extra and tried jotting down. The second pen too however began leaking and messed up my notebook. Renuka offered me her pen. Which I should have taken. But I was busy to find another pen and sabotaging my notes all together. That's when you heard her  call me. It's not her fault, Sir." Sumita tried convincing Professor Sekhawat with her sincere eyes and even showed a leaking pen on her behalf.

Professor Sekhawat mounted his eyebrows high and pursed his lips in a mocking gesture. "Oh!! So that was a call for a pen, you say ?" Professor Sekhawat pursued the question.

Nodding positively, Sumita replied with, "Yes Sir ! A pen. " She stood her grounds.

Renuka's whole posture was stiff till now but her guilty eyes found the stormy eyes of Professor Sekhawat just on time. In a fleeting second, her gaze shifted back to her desk.

" Well I'm surprised to find sincere students such as YOU for writing down my questions. Anyways sit down both of you. And Miss Renuka meet me at the staffroom after lunch. " He dispersed the class not before throwing a last smirk towards Renuka and Sumita.

He didn't believe Sumita at all. All three understood.


Sister Mallati gulped down her dry throat and found Rounak standing just a few centimeters away. In variably Rounak must have heard the Dr. Kher's thunderous voice. 

" Sir, he is new in this country, so I thought...." A feeble but gentle voice now came clear to answer the cyclone inside Dr. Kher's chamber.

"You thought ? YOU? Who asked you to thought? He may come from any other universe, I care less. I am paying him to be here for his service. So what gave you the right to think for his wellbeing ? If your thinking would have done the job in hand, why would we have gone through the pain of recruiting him here!!! Answer me!!"  Dr. Kher's words were scalding and very loud.

Rounak couldn't take it anymore. He bypassed the frightened Sister, and quickly went on to knock strongly on the door. He heard Dr Kher clearing his throat for managing his composure. And after getting a single 'yes' from the other side walked inside the spacious chamber. Sister Mallati took that as a que to be away from these angry men and left the scene.

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