Chapter 1

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It was just a normal day at the newly rebuilt Avengers tower. The Avengers currently at the tower were all in the sitting room relaxing. Natasha and Clint were reminiscing about past shield missions. Steve and Bucky were talking about the amazing technology that was credit cards. (They would never have to use paper money again!) Thor was currently recounting all his grand adventures to Sam, who just eating all of it up. "You mean you took out a hundred Frost Giants with one punch?!" So, he might have been exaggerating a bit. Then Tony and Bruce were disguising quantum mechanics.

All the other Avengers were either at home or on their own missions. All except for one. The reason Bruce and Tony were arguing was because Peter had asked for help with his math homework.

"Bruce the answer is 112!"

"Tony I've been telling you for the last hour and a half you need to carry the one! It's 113!"

"Carry the one?! Where are you getting a one?! There's no remainder!"

"You get a remainder with the very first division portion!"

"You guys do realize I finished that problem like an hour ago, right?" they both gaped at peter who was sitting on the counter eating a cookie. "In fact, I've been done with my homework for the past 15 minutes."

"What answer did you put down for the one problem?!" Tony asked excitedly.

"42," Peter said finishing his cookie.

"What?!" Bruce and Tony yelled looking at his paper.

"Wait aren't you supposed to divide here?"

"No... you multiply?! How did we not see that?!"

Tony glared at Peter "Why'd you ask for help if you knew the answer?!"

Peter shrugged "You were bored and you're always bugging me to let you help me with my homework. I thought it'd keep you busy for a while. I didn't know you and Bruce would start a war over it."

All the Avengers laughed after looking over when they heard Tony's outburst. The two scientists blushed and apologized over their foolishness.

Peter walked over to the couch and sat down next to Clint who ruffled his hair affectionately. Peter leaned into his touch. Not long after Peter joined the team they learned that he loved physical contact. Whether it be hugs, pats on the back, or just a quick high five: he loved it all. "Who would have thought that our little spider could outsmart two world-renowned scientists."

"I may or may not have told them the problem wrong so that they would quit bugging me." He whispered it just loud enough, so the others could hear but not Tony or Bruce. Everyone broke out laughing.

Peter wasn't exactly a full-blown Avenger. He would hang around the tower after school and on weekends. And he helped with missions, but he wasn't officially on the team. Tony had offered him a spot after his job well done with the Vulture. But Peter declined. He decided to stay the 'Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man' for a little while longer.

"What are you guys laughing at?" Tony asked as he and Bruce came over and sat down.

"Peter son of Parker just told us a funny joke!" Thor quickly supplied.

Peter rolled his eyes "You can just call me Peter, Thor."

He looked confused "Is that not what I said?" everyone laughed again.

Everyone continued to make small talk for a while. Peter stayed silent for most of it just reveling in the fact he had made so many new friends. At one point he leaned against Clint and started using his head as a pillow. All the conversations stopped when they heard light snores coming from a certain 15-year-old. They all looked over and noticed Peter had fallen asleep.

Natasha handed Clint a blanket off the back of the couch and he gently draped it over Peter. Sam chuckled a bit. "That's adorable." The others laughed quietly.

They continued to talk for a while until they decided that it was probably time for Peter to head home. Tony walked over and gently shook his shoulder. Peter blinked his eyes open. "Yes, Mr. Stark?"

Tony rolled his eyes as he sat up "How many times have I told you to just call me Tony?"

"At least 20," Peter said with a yawn.

"Then why don't you?" He asked.

Peter smirked, "Because it bugs you."

Tony let out a scream as the others informed Peter he should get going since it was a school night.

Pepper walked into the room soon after "Peter, Happy has the car ready."

"Ok." He waved goodbye to the other and took the elevator downstairs. He then walked outside and got into the car. He talked Happy's ear off for most of the drive, but he didn't mind. Even Happy had started to take more of a liking to Peter.

Not too long after they arrived at Peter and May's apartment building. Happy helped him get his backpack out of the trunk and bid him farewell.

Peter was about to walk inside when he heard a noise coming from an ally nearby. He turned to mention it to Happy, but the man had already driven off. "It's probably just a cat," Peter muttered. But he went to investigate anyway.

When Peter walked into the ally nothing seemed out of the ordinary, making his cat theory seem a lot stronger. That is until his Spidey Sense went off. He spun around to look behind him. But something pricked his neck the moment he did. The last thing he saw before he blacked out was a black van pulling into the ally and men in suits filing out of it before throwing him in.

(A/N - Hey guys! Thanks so much for reading! :) For all you newcomers, I upload on weekends. I will mention before we get too far into the story, I'm not super happy with how this one turned out. I wrote this like two years ago and I have been avoiding uploading it. However, I'm running out of things to publish, so I'm kinda scraping the bottom of the barrel here. I hope you still like it, even if it isn't some of my best work. And remember, with great power comes great responsibility! :) See you next week!!)

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