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^my adorable family😘^
Thought I'd bless y'all with our beauty😁


'If she accepts this admission it's going to be extra hard to continue training Arielle and Ace' I overheard my dad saying while I passed their room

'But we promised her, Audrey worked hard to get the admission. It's really affect her if she can't go after everything', mum said already choking from emotions

'its not like I can't pay the fees, but things will become really difficult...' those where the last things I heard dad say before I went to I and my sisters room


I sat at my reading table thinking of what to do right now...I worked my butt of studying to get that medicine admission and now if I pursue my education in that direction it'd affect my own siblings and family

I'm your average kind of girl. I'm not too pretty, not too ugly, not too tall, not too short, not so smart, not dull, not really skinny and not really chubby. My family is also not too rich and not poor

When I was taking a private University I made sure to ask if they could handle it, I also made them know that was what I really wanted. I guess they did this to make me happy

I sighed picking up my phone to call my bestie

Two rings..'babe, whatsup' joy chimed in

'you home'? I asked

'whats wrong, yeah I'm home' she said sounding worried

'id tell you when I get there' I said hanging up. Saying bye gets boring especially when you'd be seeing each other soon

I went down the stairs to see Arielle and Ace arguing over what channel to watch. If they don't argue in a day then that day isn't complete

'Where's mom and dad'? I asked from the kitchen searching for my lovely maltesers..I love those chocolates with my life

'Dad went to work' Ace said blocking the tv from Arielle

'Its Saturday' I complained rolling my eyes

'said it's important, he replied, mum's in her room' he shouted at my retreating form

'mum' I called peeking into my parents room only to find her scrolling lazily through her phone

She looked up at me with those go on eyes

'i wanted to talk to you about the private University' I said rushing everything out

She seemed interested suddenly and she dropped her phone 'what about the school'? She asked worried

'I know it'd be hard on you guys if I should go there cause the tuition is high and all those stuffs. I decided to reject the admission. I'm young I can try again next year' I said already teary eyed from making the hardest decision I've made in my 16 years of living

'oh honey, my mum started hugging me while I cried silently, we never wanted to upset you, we wanted you to have the best and be happy while having the best. You don't know how happy your decision makes me but you will still get the best ok?' she said with her voice shaking while consoling me

'yes mummy, I know. I love y'all' I said trying to smile

'we love you too' she said teary eyed..she has always been extra emotional

I guess I'm leaving my dreams for a while now, sigh

' I did tell you to put a federal University in the form, they're the best and they're the cheapest' joy said while painting my nails a bright pink colour. I love the colour pink

' I know I can be extremely stubborn, sue me' I grumbled not wanting to admit I was wrong in a way

'Shut up, stubborn girl, so how will you stay at home all alone' she asked dropping the nail polish

Joy was my best and only friend in this state . She'd gotten an admission to study in another state and now Id be at home all year...I wonder how it'd be

'i really don't know, in just tired of everything' I sighed lying flat on the bed

'i know you'd still be a doctor, you're too stubborn to give up. And your mum is a super mum, I know by now that woman would have organised something' she said laughing

'True' I chuckled, shaking my head

' Sooooooo, Lee Min Hoo or Song Joong Ki' she asked wiggling her eyebrows while holding up two CD'S

' Lee Min Hoo please' I begged crawling to the couch to watch the love of my life get his girl in the drama

Lol, Lee Min Hoo is literally the love of my life😂
I hope you guys are enjoying the book, don't worry we'd soon get to the interesting parts just bear with me, it's just the beginning(^^)
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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2020 ⏰

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