Chapter Two

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Adam's POV

I couldn't help but think about how adorable Anthony was. With his cute little kitty ears. Gah! I always loved the kitties!
He watched me with big brown eyes as I went into the bathroom and grabbed my first aid kit.
"Where do you hurt?" I asked as kindly as I could to my scared little kitten. No. Not mine.
His tail twitched spastically and he indicated his ribs and head without saying a word. I pulled out a bottle of aspirin and gave him a couple to swallow down to help with the pain. I quickly got a glass of water for him and he nodded his thanks.
"Can you take off you shirt?" I asked and his eyes widened. I blushed.
"No not like that!" I said. "I just need to check your injuries." He relaxed but also seemed a bit disappointed.
"Yeah," he said. He reached down and pulled off his shirt.
His whole chest was pretty much black and blue and the skin even split in some places. Anger swells up inside of me. A hand touches my shoulder softly.
"Are you okay?" He asked looking up at me with concern in his big brown eyes.
"Yeah," I said biting down on my anger and forcing a smile.
"Did I do something wrong?" He asks looking down his ears pressed to the sides of his head.
I go to reach out to him but stop myself short. "No it's not that you did anything wrong," I said my hands awkwardly half stretched out to him. I'm surprised when he buries his head into my chest and starts crying. I wrap my arms around him hesitantly and stroke his soft kitty ears.
"You saved me," he said between hiccuping sobs, "why did you-you save me?"

Anthony's POV

I looked up at Adam and saw the thoughts churning behind his green eyes. He opened his mouth hesitantly and began speaking.
"I saved you because I can't leave someone who needs help," he said. He looks down at me again and his eyes light with anger again. "I can't stand it that someone could hurt my little kitty like-" he stops himself and blushes. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to say that." I giggle a little bit at his cute little blush.
"It's okay," I said. "I wouldn't mind being your kitty." Did I really say that?! I look down. "Sorry that was out of line."
I felt a soft but firm hand take my chin and tilt up my head so I was looking into endless green. His eyes were like a pine forest deep, dark, and mysteriously green.
"I don't think it was out of line at all," he leaned towards me and I flinched back on a reflex. He stopped his movement. I felt bad immediately after.
"Now what I just did was out of line," he laughed brightly. Of course. It was just an example. What was I thinking? Stupid Anthony!

You Saved Me            (Neko Seachaos)Where stories live. Discover now