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Jinah's POV


"Jinah! Get ready!" Mom shouted

"I am ready!" I shouted and ran downstairs

"Let's go" Mom said while fixing her hair

"I need to go somewhere. You guys go there first. I know that place, I can ride a cab"

"Where are you going?" Dad

"I am going to visit someone"

"We'll drop you there" Mom

"Okay, drop me off at Sanxia International Hospital. I am going to visit a friend"

"Okay, get in" Dad said and started the engine

I nodded and hop in. He started driving the car. It's been a long time ever since I saw her. If I didn't texted her sister, I don't have any idea.

"Make sure to follow us there, okay?" Mom

"Yeah" I got out of the car and watched them drove away. I went inside and went to the front desk.

"Aren't you Min Jinah? The fashion designer?" a girl asked

"Yes, you know me?"

"Yeah, I'm a fan. When did you arrived here in Korea?" she asked

"Almost two weeks"

"Ah, I see. Take care, Jinah!" she waved at me and left the hospital

"Who are you looking for, Ma'am?" the nurse asked

"Choi Areum"

She looked at me with a shock on her face "Choi Areum?"


"Are you sure, Ma'am?" nurse

"Yes, why?"

"I-I am Nurse Paula. One of the assigned nurse to Areum" Nurse Paula

"Hi, so where is she? What floor and room?"

"Wait a minute, Ma'am" Nurse Paula said and called someone on the telephone "Yes, Dr. You should go here now. Yes, I'll tell her"

"What's the matter? Am I not allowed to visit my bestfriend?"

"Ma'am, I hope you understand. Doctor Park Eric will go down. Please take a seat and wait for him" Nurse Paula

I sat on the chair at the lobby of the hospital. The nurse is weird. Why is she telling me to sit here and wait for the doctor? Am I not allowed to visit her? Did she told the Doctors and Nurses not to allow a girl named Jinah? You are crazy, Areum.

I sighed as I looked around. This is a big hospital. Ah! I forgot! Hwang Hyunjin is the owner of this hospital, one of Jeongin's friend. Wow. How is he going to manage this big hospital? This is crazy.

"Are you the one looking for Areum?" a doctor asked

"Yes, I am her bestfriend, Min Jinah"

"I am Doctor Park Eric" Dr. Park

"Ah, am I not allowed to visit Areum? The nurse even called you"

"It's not that. I don't know how to say this" Dr. Park

"Is she discharged?"

"No, s-she's gone" Dr. Park

"Gone where?"

"Areum is already dead" Dr. Park

I looked at him and he just looked away "What are you saying?"

"It's almost one month since she died. I was shocked to hear someone looking for her. I guess you still doesn't know or her Family didn't tell you" Dr. Park

"Wait- I don't get it"

"Where are you? How come you didn't know?" Dr. Park

"I am living in U.S for almost 6 years. I lost contact with her when I arrived there. I don't use my social media accounts since I am busy with studies and designing. I arrived here two weeks ago and I received her sister's message almost five weeks ago"

"She was kicked out of their house three years ago and she was diagnosed with skin cancer that time. She stayed here and waited for her time to die. After three years of suffering, she finally decided to do the operation. We are all happy about it, the operation is successful. We just need to do the next operation after a week. But she died three days before her operation" Dr. Park

I wiped my tears "What's the reason? The operation is successful"

"The Family told us to kept that as a secret until we finished investigating. I hope you understand" Dr. Park

"I-I understand"

"Here" he gave me a note and it has an address on it "That's the columbarium where Areum is. I wrote the floor and number"

"T-Thank you" I said and watched him leave

I left the hospital and rode a cab to the columbarium. You fuck, Areum. Why did you leave me? Dumbass. You told me you want me to be a fashion designer so I can design your wedding gown. You idiot.

As soon as I arrived. I went to third floor and looked for her number. I saw a picture of her smiling cutely.

"You dumbass! How can you leave me like that?! You pushed me to study in U.S. so I can be a better designer! How come you left?! Why did you leave me, idiot! What's the purpose of being a designer when you are no longer here anymore! Do you know how much I suffered there?! I want to go home but I can't. I promised you I will be a famous designer, fuck! You monster! Come back, will you?! No one told me you are already dead! Whose wedding gown am I going to design now?!" I shouted and started crying while looking at her photo "You are the very first person that broke my heart"

I bursted out crying and fell on the floor. Why did you leave me, Areum? Why? I thought we were bestfriends? I though we are going to be each others' bridesmaid? You ugly duckling!

"How dare you leave me?! Wake up, you idiot! Show yourself! I deserve an explanation!" I whispered

"She will be mad if she sees you crying" someone said

I turned around and saw Jeongin.

"Don't cry" Jeongin said and hugged me

"I-It hurts"

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