This is so sad alexia play despaceito

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Ok so I had always been on edge about this girl, I was forced to become friends with her. No joke I didn't have a choice, she was with another girl but she's not important because she ended up ditching her anyways lol.
Bitchass hoe: Abbey normal
Other girl: Poppy underlined
Me: (deadname)/Quinn Bold
Teacher: slanted
let me set the scene of how we met

*sitting by myself reading manga*
Hey sweetie, you seen lonely.. do you wanna go sit with those girls over there?
"Nah I'm good sitting by myself."
"Do you have any friends?"
"Yeah they just aren't here right now."
"Come on go sit with those girl.."
*literally grabs my hand and drags me*
"Hey girls this is (deadname) she wanted to sit with you."
"No I didn't-"
"Ok you girls have fun now!"
"Hi! I'm Abbey and this is Poppy"
*mumbles* "I can introduce myself Abbey.."
"SO what do you like reading"
"Uh.. can I just go back to my manga..?"
"But you wanted to sit with us didn't you?"
"Abbey it doesn't matter-"
*laughing* "But she wanted to sit with us!"
*sigh* "whatever.."

Yeah so that was how we met.
I hanged with two of my actual friends and her
Olivia and Evie are their names
It had been only a term and she said we were all "besties" but then the secrets started coming
(Keep in mind I'm quite a weak person, both mentally and physically, and sometimes when stuff is happening I just have to tell people what's going on, but ever since this incident of the toxic friendship I've become a lot more secretive, I was secretive in the first place especially with keeping secrets from my parents and teachers but now I feel like every question I get it's somehow trying to breakdown my walls)
So I had a bully at my primary school, (if you're not Australian let me explain)

So we usually go through 2 schools, but some schools start from the lowest grade
Kindergarten: daycare (not really school)
Primary School
Prep: first year
Grade 1: second year
Grade 2: third year
Grade 3: fourth year
Grade 4: fifth year
Grade 5: sixth year
Grade 6: seventh year
High School
Year 7: eighth year
Year 8: ninth year
Year 9: tenth year
Year 10: eleventh year
Year 11: twelfth year
Year 12: thirteenth year
And then you have university (college)
My school starts from kindergarten which we call the "Little Beacons" because I got to Beaconhills.
Obviously I'm not telling you what campus I don't wanna y'know, DIE
Continuing with what I said earlier, in primary I had a bully. A bully for 3-4 years. She was another toxic friend but I stuck with her for 3 YEARS. And she hacked in into my email account to see if I ever texted about her, she made a timetable of when I was allowed to hangout with my actual friends, I was only allowed to hang with them once a week. This was all her plan, she was basically trying to get me out of the group. It was because I got really close to my friend Gabi, and they were "best friends" and I was "stealing her" pretty much anytime someone got really close to her she would try to shut them out. That was is grade 4. And in grade 5, me and my friend Helen, (Kyaaaaaa_uwu ) got close to my cousin Aaliyah, and she hacked into HER account to message one of her friends "(deadname) and Helen are weird" we didn't believe it so we tested it. We texted the same person "do you think (deadname) and Helen are weird?" And guess what? She replied with "Of course not, they're our friends"
So that was basically some of the stuff she would do. But she targeted me the most, make me do stuff, yell at me, tell me I was a bad friend.. ect. She was also super tall and intimidating and I'm super small. She broke down all my walls I ended up getting into self harm. I did that for about six months last year and now because of this toxic friendship I've started again.
Anyways so that's showing you how easily my walls get broken down and because of all this I have serious trust issues, I know I'm admitting a lot of stuff on this app but I don't know any of you and the people I do know are either my best friends of years or my online friends who I've gotten very comfortable with.
Back to the story.
This is stationed at school camp up in Point Leo
So me and Olivia were trash talking about Abigail (my old bully) and I was telling her how I "used" to cut because of her (keep in mind she's my friend of 7 years and I trust her a lot) and then guess who comes up behind? You guessed it! Abbey! "OmG (deadname) d0nT sAY yOu uSeD t0 cuT I aCtUaLLy hAvE dEpReSiOn sO doNt jOkE abOuT tHaT"
Really bitch? Really?
I understand depression can happen to anyone but she is a known attention seeker so I didn't really believe her.
I have explained mental health to her before and she knows nothing about depression. Like hoe I have depression and we don't go around telling people you met a month ago how you "have severe depression" there's sorta a point hardly any of us tell people.
Fast forward a month I'm out at pansexual and I have a crush on a girl
(people see/saw me as a girl because I'm not out as trans yet)
So my friend Ashby asked Abbey out and she said yes blah blah blah. So we were telling each other our crushes. I said "oh yeah I like Ava." And this dickhead Jake then proceeds to tell everyone until someone tells her. All this drama is happening I'm assaulting Jake and without my permission Abbey goes to her and says "(deadname) still wants to be friends blah blah." Even though I said "No don't do that" and "Hey I kinda would wanna tell her myself" she just likes to be "a good friend" as she calls it..
Fast forward it's corona time and we are online schooling
For this I'll just show you messages so you can see how toxic she is..
(Some stuff I don't have on messages so you'll have to take my word for it)
First what happened was when I cam out as transsexual. She said and I quote, "WHAT?!? No! You don't need to change your body it's fine the way it is!!" "You'll look better as a girl!" "I'll like you better like this!"
She obviously knows nothing about lgbtq+ besides claiming to be "bisexual"
Ok so here are the texts

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2020 ⏰

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