Chapter six How Can You Mend a Broken Heart 💔

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I was  currently at the hospital with a helpless illness robin I was a total mess my husband and my soulmate of twenty five years was fighting cancer and his liver and kidney failure :( fans and the news was outside hoping to get family who was coming to be with robin to give them something

At this point he was in so much pain he couldn't talk his body was too weak I holding His hand letting him know I was there

I knew his children was worry and emotional I had to be honest robin didn't have any time left

Around noon Barry and his wife came to see him Barry had a bond with his brother I couldn't stop my tears as Barry sang to him

And sadly on 20 May 2012 we lost robin after his battle I stay by his bed for hour not wanted to believe it the news was all ready out with the hitting story Fans was crying I texted our oldest son

Me hey ... Spencer your dad is gone

Spencer . Hey mom you okay ???

Nope I through to myself

Me .... I hanging in there i know the funeral is in a few days and I was ask to do a speech I know your dad would want you there ;)

Spencer. Ya of course well send love to the family oxox love you mom

Rest In Peace oxox

Robin Gibb our love / set in 2010 Where stories live. Discover now