Chapter 16

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"I'm sorry this place is closed." Dr. Yabooi argued with Ado and Daroach. They were just outside the Dr office.

"What kind of doctor are you!?" Daroach's voice began to get higher the more they argued. "A busy one" Dr. Yabooi flicked  Daroach's snout and slammed the door in their face.

Daroach POV

That man pisses me off. How dare he flick my nose like that! How does he still have a job? Ado was turned around her back facing me like she was trying to hold in a laugh.

"Hey what do you think you're doing?" I asked her. She turns facing toward me with a wobbly smile on her face.

"Just listen to your voice now- its so high! The face your made with a flicked your nose, it was priceless!!" Ado said between snorts.

"HhhhHHH??" I was confused but then Kirby woke up.

Ado's POV

Its hard to take a professional criminal seriously when their voice is abnormally high.

Kirby woke up I was happy about that. When he opened his eyes.. they were a dark purple. "Dr. Yabooi?" I knocked on the door for the 11th time today.

"His eyes changed color, there purple now and I don't think that's normal.." Dr. Yabooi opened the door a crack and saw Kirby's eyes. "Are you sure he ain't wear in contacts?"

"We are leaving you a bad rating." Daroach held his nose. "(Sigh) Come in." The Cappy opened the door and let us in. There were quite a few people here. It was super dark though.

"Yeah my lights burnt out I was gonna fix em' later." After Dr. Yabooi finished the check up with Kirby he said,

"Honestly it looks like he breathed in something that is causing radiation throughout his body." Dr. Yabooi looked at a few magazines being the unmotivated Cappy he was.

"What is radiation?" I asked

"Its something that can kill ya if you don't treat it in time. Has he been near anything toxic or strange lookin?"
Dr. Yabooi didn't look up from the magazine he was reading.

I shrugged and ripped the magazine out of his hands. "You clearly aren't taking your job seriously! Now how do we fix this?!"

Dr. Yabooi
Never knew she had it in her to be so stern.

*snaps claws* THATS MY GIRL!

Ado's POV

"Its different radiation. I haven't seen this before. There was a photo of Kirby's lungs with gas inside. Same color as Kirby's eyes.

He was running around the office now. Scaring people unintentionally. He didn't even know whats going on.

Dr. Yabooi told us to keep a sharp eye on him and so we left. Kirby was still running, skipping, hopping being as joyful as he would normally be. But then he stopped.

He stopped dead in his tracks. His back was turned toward Daroach and I. "Hey buddy you ok?" Daroach called out.

Then Kirby did something I never thought he had the guts to do.. Daroach approached him from behind.

Kirby jumped high into the air grabbing the mouse and slammed Daroach onto the ground with a hard kick with full impact coming down. Kirby was on top of the theif now. Daroach was knocked out from the impact, his head and chest was bleeding out. "Kirby look what you did!!" A shadow grew along Kirby's face.

He Glitched and disappeared. Then I felt something behind me.. a evil presence breathed on my neck giving me the chills.

A chaotic giggle. Not like Marx's laugh. It felt  worse. The rest I don't remember. The very last thing I remember was being picked up and thrown on the grown beside Daroach

and then Darkness.

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