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Dock leaves: this herbs is used to treat nettle stings, it's juice are also good for soothing sore paws
Found: Osisclan and the borders of any clans that border them

Fennel: helps hip pain; stalks are broken and juice is squeezed into injured cat's mouth
Found: The border of Osisclan with Skyclan, in Skyclan, parts of Cloudclan, the border of Sunclan with Cloud

Feverfew: reduces fever and heals aches and headaches
Found: the sandy parts of Cloudclan and the two clans the border it

Elder leaves: this herb is used to cool feverish cats and treat headaches
Found: scattered throughout all territories

Goldenrod: this herb is used in a poultices to treat aching joints, stiffness, it can also be used to treat sever injuries
Found: Sunclan, Skyclan and Osisclan

Goose grass: this herbs is used to stop bleeding from a wound
Found: Skyclan and Cloudclan

Heather nectar: makes swallowing easier and sweetness mixtures; included in her mixtures
Found: Sunclan, Cloudclan and Skyclan

Honey: soothe infections, smoke-damaged or sore throats, helps cats swallow other herbs, soothes coughing and gives energy; eaten or give to in moss
Found: honeycombs, bee hives

Horsetail: this herb is used to treat infected wounds
Found: can be found near a water source or in Cloudclan, Floodclan, Sunclan

Ivy leaf: stores other herbs
Found: none crowned

Juniper berries: this is another herb to treat belly aches. It can also be used to calm a cat in the vent of a nervous breakdown or sever shock
Found: found in all territories but mainly Cloud, Sun, Sky and Osis

Lamb's ear: gives a cat strength
Found: can be found in Skyclan and Cloudclan but rare though

Lavender: this herb is iced to treat coughs and fevers. It can also calm a cat down in a nervous breakdown or sever shock
Found: Sunclan and Cloudclan

Mallow: this herb is used to fight infections. It can also be used to treat bee stings
Found: Cloudclan and who ever borders them closest to the sandy parts

Marigold: this herb is used to keep wounds from getting infected. It can also heal sores

Mint: hides the sent off death; rubbed in a dead cats/animal
Found: water regularly but not heaps

Mouse bile: used  to kill ticks; garlic hides the had scent of it
Found: where mice are found

Nettle leaves: this herb is used to counter off weak poisons
Found: near water sources with sun or partial shade

Oat leaf: dried; stops infections from string in
Found: oaks

Parsley: eaten to stop a Queen's from producing milk; it also cures a bellyache
Found: twoleg gardens or Cloudclan

Poppy seeds: this is used to numb pain and help cats sleep. Giving a cat more than two seeds may negatively affect their health, so be careful
Found: sunlit areas

Ragwort leaf: crushed and chewed on and mixed with juniper berries, keep cat's strengths up and helps with acting bones
Found: Sunclan and Osisclan

Ragweed: gives extra strength and energy
Found: Osisclan's flower field

Raspberry leaves: painkiller, stops bleeds and possibly the same for bleeding during kitting
Found: sunny areas, Cloudclan

Rosemary: hides the scent of death
Found: Sunny, well drained locations

Rush: used for broken bones, keeps broken limps in place
Found: water surroundings

Snake root: counters the affect of poison and heals wounds
Found: a well drained area with some water

Sorrel: traveling herb
Found: acidic soil (undergoing)

Stinging nettle: either swallows for a car who has consumed poison; causes vomiting and for swelling. Chewed into a poultice onto wounds; mixed with comfrey it can help broken bones
Found: Osisclan and Sunclan

Tansy: this herb is used to treat coughs. It can be used to heal wounds and poison
Found: anywhere that has sunlight

Tormentil: this herb is good for treating wounds and counting the effect of poison
Found: Osisclan's flower field and Cloudclan

Thyme: yet another herb used to calm a cat in the event of a nervous breakdown or server shock
Found: Skyclan and Cloudclan

Traveling herbs: sorrel, daisy, chamomile, burnet; eaten before traveling on a long distance to keep strength and hungry
Found: refer to the individual plant

Watermint: this is another herb used to ease bellyaches; also good for hiding the scent of death
Found: can be spread out onto of water, Cloudclan

Wild garlic: rolling in this herb can help keep infection out of a wound. It's is also good for rat bites
Found: anywhere but Cloudclan

Wintergreen: treats wounds and poisons
Found: mainly Sunclan and Osisclan and sometimes Cloudclan

Yarrow: this herb is used to make a cat vomit. Expels poisons from the body
Found: Sunclan, Skyclan and Cloudclan

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