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Amanda and Alesha were on their way to the judge's panel when they heard moaning coming from Simon's dressing room. They were only there a few seconds before Simon's voice floating their ears, struggling to keep it steady, "Oh, David, your ass is so tight! It feels so good!"

The girls looked at each other with complete shock. Never in a million years would they have guessed that their two favorite boys would be fucking in a BGT dressing room. Simon is always making it seem as though he hates David. It actually makes you feel kind of bad for the poor guy. David's always trying to show Simon how much he loves him and tries over and over again to woo the older man. Looks like he finally won his prize.

Amanda's POV

I wanted to knock on the door and tell the boys we only had ten minutes until showtime, but I just couldn't, so I just grabbed Alesha's arm and we made our way onto set.

About two minutes before we were on, I saw David walk onto the panel, soon followed by Simon. As Simon sat down, I leaned over to him, "Did you and David enjoy your time?"

He sputtered a moment before answering, "I don't know what you're talking about."

This prompted me to walk over to David and whisper in his ear. "Simon's a really good shag, isn't he?"

His face turned a bright red, but he answered back. "Why do you think I would know?"

"Alesha and I heard the two of you fucking when we walked past his dressing room." I replied quickly, with a smirk. He's blushing so hard.

"Shit!" That was all the more I got out of him.

David's POV

I quickly pulled out my phone to text Simon.

To: My Simon-The girls heard you fucking me in your dressing room a few minutes ago. Yikes!

From: My Simon-Damn it! Do you think we should go ahead and tell them we've been dating for a while?

To: My Simon-No. I think we should let them ponder on it a little bit before we tell them.

From: My Simon-If you say so.

We got through all of the auditions and I looked over at Simon, mouthing to him to meet me in my dressing room in five minutes. Then I got up to go there myself, to wait for him.

Simon walked in skeptically, so I walked over to him, pulled him inside and quickly shut the door.

"I have a great idea." I thought he would jump for joy, not that Simon does those kinds of things, but he just looked at me, still skeptical.

"What is your said idea?"

"We text Alesha and Amanda, telling them to come here, then let them walk in on us making out and when they scream in excitement, we burst their bubble by telling them we've been together for three years, as of a week ago."

"Do you realize how pissed they will be? They will not take kindly to being made fun of. You know how they are. How about we just get them in here and tell them the truth right away instead of making them walk in on us? We can just sit them down and have a nice chat and tell them why it is that they 1.) didn't get to know until now and 2.) why we can't tell the public. Sound like a deal?" He finished with a smug expression, knowing he once again has out-smarted me.

"Fine, you win, you're the smarter boyfriend." The sarcasm was dripping from my voice, I was so annoyed.

"No need to sound so sarcastic darling." I didn't answer back, I just pulled my phone out to text Amanda and Alesha.

To Amanda Holden and Alesha Dixon-come to my dressing room for a short celebration before you girls get changed. Love, David.

Alesha's POV

As soon as I got David's text, I became suspicious. He never invites anyone into his dressing room. Even makeup and hair aren't allowed in. There was something going on and I had a feeling it had something to do with Amanda and I overhearing then in Simon's room earlier.

I soon approached David's room, knocking skidishly, hoping Amanda was already in there.

As David opened the door, I noticed, much to my disappointment, that Amanda had not, in fact, arrived yet. However, I did notice that Simon was in the room, occupying an armchair, adding to the already thick tension and the suspicions I had earlier when I got the text.

"Alesha, darling, make yourself comfortable on the couch over there, Amanda should be here shortly." As he hospitably invited me in to sit on a light grey couch, I noticed he seemed quite nervous. He couldn't even stand still. Amanda soon arrived and it seemed to raise his level of anxiety.

David's POV

I was a nervous wreck by the time that Amanda arrived. Not only because Simon and I were about to spill one of our biggest secrets, but also because I don't like having people in my private rooms.

Simon's POV

I could see that David was really nervous, so I decided to take the lead. Reaching for his arm, I looked into his eyes and gave him a nod, telling him it would be alright. Then I spoke. "I can imagine the two of you are wondering what this is all about, considering this is nothing like a celebration." At this very moment, I was very glad I read the text David sent them. "In truth, it was the both of us that called you here. David was merely the messenger this time.

The reason for this meeting is to simply set things straight. It was brought to our attention earlier, by the two of you, that you overheard some...things. Therefore, we have some news to share with you.

David and I have been together three years as of exactly one week ago. However, you are just now finding out because we cannot come out if we want to keep our jobs. Please don't ask any questions about what I just said and please, make sure you don't spread this, we would very much like to keep our careers."

The girls looked at each other, then looked at David and I, who were now holding hands, and started squealing, signifying their excitement towards the news they had received.

"Guys! That's amazing!" Amanda yelled, still using that squeaky voice. Then they jumped up and gave us a great big group hug, congratulating us and telling us how obvious it is. I didn't care that it was obvious, I had my man and the public still thought David was just joking around.

I was so caught up in the excitement of finally telling someone about us, that I couldn't hold myself back from kissing the man I love.

He froze as soon as our lips touched, making me realize this was the first time we had ever kissed in front of anyone. As I started pulling away, it must have finally dawned on him that it was fine because he quickly pulled me back by my waist and slammed his lips onto mine. It was probably the most passionate kiss we had ever shared. Fueled by the excitement of not having to hide from these two people. Finally being able to share our love with someone else.

Eventually, the kiss started getting too heated, bringing me back to the reality that we weren't alone, once again. So I quickly pulled out of the kiss, to see the girls staring at us in awe, making my cheeks turn bright red in embarrassment.

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