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Your name is Ella coin, nightlight (hero name) or Feline09 (spyname), in short, you are a highly trained spy with a lethal quirk called feline. At the young age of fourteen a secret government funded intel/ crime fighting operation (mouth full I know so ima call it GFIC) saw potential in you lots of potential, so you ended up getting adopted by them. The white washed GFIC headquarters were wear you lived, slept and trained, and trained you were; your quirk feline makes you faster, stronger, a better jumper, a greater hearer and lets you see father and in the dark resulting GFIC decided the intel collecting department was where you fit and so every night (your better at fighting during the night because you have more cover) mentors would train, train and train you. At the age of 18 GFIC decided you were ready to work on the field, surprisingly because most intel collectors started working at a much older age, ever since that day you would hop from building to building at night under the glittering disk of moonlight feeling the fridge Icey air whistle past your wind lashed face collecting information that GFIC couldn't have gotten with out your help, you also opened up your own small hero agency to the public your hero name is nightlight as a hero your not very popular but works as a great coverup for who you realy are. The vigorous training you received at such a young age caused you to develop a hard meatal shell of a personality; you refuse to open up to any one in the slightest, you come across as cold and other employees at your job even deemed you as a bitch, but to everyone's surprise a certain raven haired man was going to change that.

-facts you need to know-

name- Ella Coin

Age- 28

Hair colour- your choice

work Names- feline09 or Nightlight

Quirk- Feline 

see ya next time! this is my first fanfiction so i hope you like it :)

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2020 ⏰

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