Edward from the coast

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The trip to the coast took nearly four hours. Morrigan slept most of the way on the Wunderground there. By the time she had woken up, the sun was setting over the fields that flew past her window. She lifted her head from the shoulder next to hers. Of course, she just had to end up falling asleep on Jack. He smirked at her from behind his paperback. "Tired are we, Mog?" She rolled her eyes, one of their regular routines. Jack would make some snarky comment, Morrigan would snort or scoff and roll her eyes, and Jack would pinch her nose. Something that had been happening less and less lately, and Morrigan missed it. She felt the need for routine, something normal in light of Jack's new state of unpredictability. She turned her head to her other side, where Jupiter was animatedly chatting with an older man. Morrigan sighed, and stared out of the window opposite to her. Eventually, she fell asleep again, this time slumping forward in her seat so that her neck was bent over,which was probably not the best idea but she didn't want to end up on Jack, again. When they finally reached the coast, Morrigan hauled her bag off of the train, and followed Jupiter through the dark and down the beachside promenade to their hotel. The winter wind had lashed out at the three of them while they walked, and Morrigan was startled when she saw her even paler reflection in the lobby windows. After a long discussion with the woman at the front desk, Jupiter finally obtained the keys to their rooms, and he had to drag Morrigan away from the fireplace where she was warming her hands.

"Now," Jupiter said, fumbling in his pockets for the keys.

"They didn't have any double rooms, so...I'm afraid there's only one bed."

Morrigan blinked. Jack coughed.

"What?" Morrigan asked, fiddling with a ball of lint in her pocket

"There's only one bed. You'll have to share." Jupiter explained, continuing to search for the keys in the pockets of his blazer.

Morrigan's jaw hit the floor.

After a few seconds, Jupiter laughed.

"I'm only kidding, Moggo."

Morrigan internally sighed with relief as Jupiter finally found the keys and opened the door for them.

The room, thankfully, had two beds.

Morrigan was so bloody tired, despite the amount of sleep she had gotten on the train she nearly wanted to just go ahead and fall asleep right now. But she was also really hungry, and Hawthorne's motto had begun to get into her head. "Food is life, child." He had told her, patting her head. "I'm literally older than you," she had huffed, but Hawthorne had turned his ears off by then. Channelling her inner Hawthorne, she rolled off of her bed as energetically as she could, pulled her coat on and headed out of the hotel.

She walked along the promenade, shivering in her boots as she arrived at a little cafe that was still open. It was warm, and smelt like melted cheese. Morigan was craving a coffee, but it was nearly 9pm, and all she had had to eat today was...coffee. She stumbled up to the counter, her legs nearly frozen. The boy working at the counter was...gorgeous. He had blonde hair that fell to his ears, and eyes that reminded Morrigan of Jack's eyes. His skin was tanned, even in the dark of winter, and Morrigan was astounded that he was barely taller than her (which to say, is short.) and he was probably older than her. He smiled at her warmly, and Morrigan swore the room lit up. "Hey. What can I get for you?" Many comments she could make flew through Morrigan's head, and they all mixed together. "Some of that ass cheese," she said, smiling blankly, blissfully unaware of what she had just said. The boy blinked. His nametag read Edward.


A heat crept up Morrigan's neck.

"Sorry. Um, I mean could I please have a cheese scroll."

A smile pushed the edge of his lips up.


Morrigan found herself a seat near the window and hid her face in her hands.

Edward was gorgeous. Stunning. He was truly something else. But maybe Morrigan felt attracted to him because he was so not Jack. Before Morrigan could get too far into her thoughts, Edward brought over her food. Morrigan smiled sheepishly, but instead of leaving, Edward sat down across from her.

"May I ask why you asked for some ass cheese?" He asked, resting his head on his hand.

Morrigan groaned and hid herself in her hands. Edward just laughed.

"I'm off in 5 minutes, if you want to go on a walk, or something."

Morrigan smiled.


"So, are you ever going to tell me your name?"

Edward sipped his hot chocolate as he and Morrigan sat on a bench in front of the ocean, the spray reaching Morrigan's face every time a wave rolled over.

Morrigan laughed. "Guess."

"Can I get a hint? The first letter?"

"Fine. M."




"Do I look like a Mary to you?"

"You're right. Morgan?"

"Close. Very close."

"I give up. What is it?"


Edward smiled. "I was so close. I never would've guessed that, though."

"I can tell you're not from here. Where are you from?"

"Nevermoor," Morrigan told him, shivering and pulling her knees into her chest.

"Ah. A city girl," Edward laughed. "Don't worry, I love girls with mysterious pasts."

Morrigan snorted. "Of course,"

"So, what actually inspired you to ask for ass cheese?"

"Ah, not sure. Maybe those- uh- voluptuous glutes of yours?"

Edward choked a little bit on his hot chocolate.

"Morrigan-from-the-city, did you just call my ass voluptuous?"

"Mhm. I could say the same about your lips. They look very tasty. And your tongue."

Edward narrowed his eyes. "Are you trying to get me to hook up with you?"

"Is it working?"

"Fuck yes."

And before Morrigan knew, she and Edward were pressed up against each other on the outside wall of her hotel.

She didn't know how long it had been, but it was at least 10 minutes because her lips and mouth were starting to get dry, but it was so good, and she never wanted to stop.

Her hands were in Edwards hair, and his were on her thighs. She knew she needed to go back to her room - how long had it been again? But she didn't want to stop.

All of a sudden, Morrigan heard footsteps that came to a sudden stop. She didn't think much of it, until a gasp accompanied Jack's voice.

Morrigan's eyes snapped open to see Jack standing in front of her and Edward.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: May 16, 2023 ⏰

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