⁂ Phases ⁂

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Lavinia Lee's muse is the moon---when the moon is full, she can create 10 abstract arts in one night, and when the moon's gone, she won't even touch her brush. One night, the moon disappears for good. It's been months. Frustrated, Lavinia decides to find Amaterasu, the goddess of the sun herself. She must be the one behind the moon's disappearance, right?

 She must be the one behind the moon's disappearance, right?

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cover ini dibikin pake Affinity Designer ft. GIMP (buat nambahin teks doang sih) dan ya........ it's weird but it's abstract so it's an acceptable weird.

dan ini sebenernya tuh karena aku lagi suka nyari banyak pola abstrak di Pinterest, terus pengin nyoba bikin (ofc jadinya abstrak gajelas yekan...) tapi ku cukup senang dengan hasilnya wkwk.

it should be 100% free commercial tho ;) dan aku jadi pengin bikin semua cover-ku jadi abstrak gini...... bikin tida y

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