know about me

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My name is rosa .... am 21 years old... from a family of 4... actually the only girl in the midst of 3 boys... I love my mum and dad so much and am kind of the baby of the house know the only girl kind of life where my brothers are always that protective..... at a time I loved it though.... I got what u want and how I want it

    I just gained admission into higher institution and I cant wait to resume.... I have heard from different people how school life is but I really want to experience it . My dad called me to his room and I saw mum was already seated there

    Dad , mum hope all is well.. this one you are both serious

All is well my dear... we need to talk to you about somethings.... my dear you are a very intelligent girl and we love you for that but we need to give you some advice as you are going into the higher institutions .

  My dear you need to face your studies over there always remember your mum and dad are not there with you

You need to remember the home you came from... know what took you to school

  Forget about boys... you are a beautiful girl but dont let boys come first it will only be distractions

  If you have issues think well before making decisions

  Lastly always remember your God

  These are few so I believe you should be fine as you are going to school and always remember we love you.

   Okay mom and dad( hugging them) I love you more..

   I went to my room that day thinking of why my going to school will bring so much advise..
When my brothers were going to school it wasnt like this but I promised myself to adhere to them
  Tomorrow I will be going to school .... I am soo happy I cant just wait to go little dud I know that is the beginning of my problems

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2020 ⏰

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