ii. 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐞𝐥 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐞𝐥

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I noticed a lot of commotion coming from the backside of the school, a little ways past the dining area. Everyone was whispering and heading that direction— it was obvious there was some drama was going on. Probably just another dumb fight.

I looked around for Boris, he had ran to the rest room after last period, meaning he'd probably be back soon. After waiting a little longer, I decided to see what the fuss was about and made my way over to the big group of people. Everyone was just standing around in a circular formation, and in the middle I noticed Kotku and some other guy— Liam, who was always being as disrespectful to the girls as he possibly could. They seemed to be trash talking each other— things were getting heated and it definitely didn't look too good.

I stood watching in silence, squinting from the bright Vegas sun. After a couple minutes, I felt someone graze my hand with theirs— and I didn't even have to turn to know it was Boris.

He leaned down a bit from behind me, so his head was right next to my ear, "What's going on?"

"I'm not sure— should we help?" I turned my head a bit to look at him. His dark curls were draped over his eyes, and I was surprised he could even see anything. He rememinded me of a stray dog in need of a haircut.

"I don't think there's need. Kotku's always picking fights. Besides— he won't hit her. At least not without her hitting back."

Boris' hand was still hovering over mine, but it was as discreet as it possibly could be. Our knuckles touched, and his pinky was wrapped around mine. Often this was how Boris was in public like this— mostly school. Nothing to really fuss about, just looking for any sort of connection to know the other was there. It was as if he thought I'd turn to dust any second, for he was always very touchy— but in his own Boris way. Pushing and shoving, ruffling hair, kicking each other's feet from under the tables.

All of a sudden things between Liam and Kotku started to get more serious. Lots of people had left already, but there were a few still there. Liam started to say things even I was almost offended. Calling her a ho, which made me feel bad about ever thinking it in the past.

"You know that don't you? I mean, how obvious is it? Sleeping with my girlfriend makes it pretty damn obvious right?"

Some of the crowed had collectively looked at each other in shock— and this new share of information seemed to upset Kotku.

"Boris, maybe we should—" I was going to tell Boris to do something, but I was interrupted when Liam yelled an offensive slur towards Kotku and she went at him, slapping him hard across the face.

In a flash it got serious, and before anyone could break them up, Liam socked her in the nose, causing it to start bleeding.

This seemed to trigger Boris' fight or flight, as he rushed over, and tried to keep Liam away from Kotku as she regained her balance.

"Look who it is. Nice to see you Boris"

"Yeah yeah, fuck off Liam." He furrowed his eyebrows.

Liam tried to pull away from Boris' tight grasp on his shirt, "What a duo, the school whore and the tonk."

"Boris!" I called out, and waved my hands, Come on, let's get out of here.

"Looks like someone wants your attention."

With this, Boris let go of his shirt, and spat a sentence in Russian that I couldn't quite make out.

I could tell that Boris was trying the best he could to stay calm and refrain from beating the shit out of this kid— because everyone knew he could.

"You're lucky I don't speak russian." I heard Liam say, and Boris moved closer to him. I could only hear bits and pieces of what he was saying. Something about goods and respect. Whatever it was must've made him angry, because before I could intervene, Liam went ahead and punched Boris right in the face.

"Hey!" I finally gave up, running in and tugged on Boris' sleeve, "Boris come on."

Liam looked over at me with a face full of fake pitty, "Go on, listen to the fag—"

Before I could even process the insult, Boris kneed him directly in the groin and shoved him to the ground, shouting some Ukraine swear words. "Let's go Potter come on." He grabbed my arm and lead me away from the crowd. I kept looking behind us, and made eye contact with Liam a few times as he stood up— clearly happy that he got to Boris one way or the other.

"Oh my god are you okay?" I said once we made it to the bus stop where there weren't too many people waiting. His nose had started bleeding a bit and he seemed winded.

"Yeah I'm perfectly fine!" He smiled and leaned forward, resting his forehead on my shoulder. "What about you?" He was laughing, and I found his position funny— as he had to lean over so much being basically a whole foot taller than me.

He stood back up and playfully punched my arm. "I cant wait to get home and jump in the pool, it's too fucking hot out here."

While he was rambling on about the weather, I pulled a spare black teeshirt from my backpack, "Here," I placed one hand on the back of his neck and used the other to pinch his nose with the tee, "Hold it like that and it should stop."

"I know I know!" He swatted my hands away.

"I'm just being helpful!" I shouted, "Plus, if the bus driver sees blood, she'll contact the principal— or the guidance counselor, and—"

"Yes, I know," He grinned and glanced at me with the shirt covering half his face.


On the buss ride home, we listened to some songs from the Velvet Underground, Radiohead, Red Hot Chili Peppers, etc— and when we were halfway there, I rested my head against Boris' shoulder, and comfortably fell asleep.

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