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The helicopter ride lasted about five hours. When you arrived, you were escorted to a new cell. The guards gave you new clothes to change into and the cell was much more comfortable than the last cell you were placed in. The cell had a small shower, a more softer looking bed, and a small comfy chair. You grabbed the clothes and took a shower to get cleaned up a bit.
You got out and got dried off. You took a closer look at the new clothes you were given. It was a simple tshirt and grey pants. The material it was made out of looked like it was made to last, much better quality than the D-class uniform. Putting it on you noticed that it was softer too. You sat down on the bed, it was an actual mattress instead of the slab back at the last site. You laid down and all the exhaustion came crashing upon you as your head hit the pillow. You were out cold for a good couple hours.

"Hey, wake up. We dont have all day."

A grating voice woke you from your sleep. Looking up you saw a guard. He didn't look as heavily trained as all the other guards you've met. He must be new. Sitting up, you gave him a confused look. You haven't been here long, they surely can't be testing you so soon.

"What's up?" You said friendly.

"Don't act like I'm your friend or some shit. I can kill you if I wanted" he replied angrily

Ok, so he's not so friendly. The guard pulled you out of your bed and shoved you through the door way. He lead you to a new room and shoved you inside. Inside the new room was a similar set up to 035's, except there was three chairs and no scp. From another door two researchers stepped in.

"Please take a seat, questioning will begin shortly." The one on the right said.

The researcher on the right had a long beard and a well kept handlebar mustache. The one on the left had a noticeable tattoo of a dragon on his neck. Cool.
You sat down on your side of the table and waited for one of them to ask you something.

*back at site-19, 035's pov*

The scientis had given me a host and seemed like they were going to interview me on the breach. They do this every time I get out. I didn't wanna just sit here, I want to know if (Y/N) is alive and well. They haven't even said anything to me yet. I was getting more impatient by the minute.
Finally, a scientist entered my room. He was shot and clearly scared out of his mind. Of course I'm used to that, but it was also clear that I'm very unhappy.

"h-Hello 035, how are y-you feeling today?" The nervous wreck stuttered out.

"I'm fine, is (Y/N) alive?" I skipped right to the point.

I don't care if this guy is shaking in fear, I needed to know if she was okay. Sure we only talked once but the more I think about it, the more I realize how much I enjoyed it. How well we got along. After the first encounter I couldn't get her out of my head!

"Well, we-we moved her to a new site for better testing."

"You what?"
They moved her, after all that. They just took her and left. Like it wasn't obvious that I wanted to see her again. Okay, it's breach and cause a scene time.

*back to you*

You told them about your conversation with Quinn and how you were still mad that she up and ditched you, you talked about your time with 049 and how he went on for hours about the "pestilence".

"So tell us about 035" the one with the neck tattoo asked.

"Well, 035 and I only really talked once. Their nice, a little passive aggressive, but charming. We both like theater." You respond

They wrote everything you said on their clipboards. They whispered something to each other and left the room. Confused, you stayed still in your chair as an awkward silence fell over the room. Soon, the same rude guard entered the room. He took his place by the door and just stood there. Out of boredom, you decide to try and make small talk.

"How's it going?" You asked

"Fine" he bluntly said.

"I'm (Y/N), or D-3567."

"I know that, I'm not stupid." Ok rude

"How would not knowing my name going to make you stupid." Pointing out what seemed obvious in hindsight seemed to make him flustered.
Ha, get wrecked.

"Well, I.   I don't know."

The scientist with a beard returned and sat down, he was holding some papers. He handed them to you. You picked them up and began to read.

D-3567 has overstated their 30 day time period. It has been noted that D-3567 was never aware of the 30 day agreement. The 30 day agreement is when D-classes are picked from death row and promised if they can survive 30 days at a scp facility, they are released back into the public. Although it is rare that a class D survives the 30 day period, it dose happen. D-3567 has been selected in which she can choose whether to stay and continue testing or be released into the public. If she chooses to stay she will be given researcher training and be placed as 035's main researcher. She will have a personalized cell at site-19. If she chooses to be released, she will be given a fake identity and moved to a city in [redacted].

You looked up at the researcher in front of you.

"So, I can leave or you will give me a job. If you give me a job, I'll practically live at the facility."

"Correct. We will give you a bit to think about it. Maybe if you end up being good at your new job they'll give you a house in a city near site-19. Mr. Bach, please escort (Y/N) back to her room."

The guard behind you pulled you from your seat and walked you back to your room with the paper still in your hand. Now back in your cell, you stared at the paper trying to determine what you want to do. On one hand, you could be free. On the other, you could have a cool job and learn more about scp 035.


I'm gonna leave it here. Will you get a job, or will you ditch harder than Quinn ditched you. ❤❤❤

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