Chapter One : The Album

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"KaiKai!" You giggle. You run towards him as fast as your little legs can carry you. "C'mere Sandy, c'mere!" He scoops you up. He hugs you tightly and you squeal happily. "You can play in the garden, be careful with her Kai" his mom says. He then puts you down and you take his hand and lead him into the back garden. He straps you into the swing and gently pushes you. You both laugh and you look back at him.

"Alessandra Johnson, please pay attention". You stop daydreaming. "Sorry miss" you say. Ugh, I hate English class. "Alright class, today's homework is a topic on memories. I want you to try and get a photo that has something to do with that memory, homework is due Friday and you'll present it to the class" you sigh dramatically and take notes of the project. You already knew what you were writing about.

"Mom, I have an assignment for English class, the topic is memories" you say at dinner that evening. "I have an album, you can use some of the photos maybe" she says. After dinner, she hands you the album and you go up to your room. You flick through the album and you notice a picture. Its a picture of your 3rd birthday party. You notice one of your cousins holding you while you're blowing out your candles. You recognize him straight away. It's Kai! You decide to use that photo for the assignment.

You remember the last time he called, last year. He was training to be a k-pop star so he didn't have time. You checked on his Instagram, he was finally having another comeback after a year of debuting. You still remember the conversation you had with him through the Instagram DMs over a year ago.

You: When are you gonna visit? Its been so long!

Kai: Sorry little cuz, I'll definitely visit soon. I don't know when though, I'm busy with debuting.

You: The last time you saw me I was only four, you moved to Korea after that

Kai: I know, but we'll see each other soon, it requires patience.

You: But when is "soon?" You know I'm not patient >.<

Kai: I know I know, I have to go now, I'll talk to you later!

You: Aw okay cya :)

Kai: Buh byeeee :3

You: Cyaaa ^^
Delivered, 1 year

You sigh, the message has been delivered and left unread for a year. He was busy with his career and all, but he promised to see you and its been almost 10 years since you saw each other in person (you were 14 now.) You get a notification from Instagram, hoping that its him but its just a new BTS post. They were going on tour! You got excited and decided to get VIP passes to see them at the sound check.

The day of the concert
You get there and hour early and a good few people have showed up already. "My goodness, Kai has grown up so much" you hear your mom say. You were confused but then notice TXT at the side of the stage! You gasp and see Kai coming out of the backstage. You were confused why TXT was at a BTS concert, but you didnt care by that point.

"KaiKai!" You scream while running towards him, he turns around quickly and spots you. "C'mere Sandy, c'mere!" He says just like when you were little. He wasnt able to scoop you up though, as he was holding his microphone but he had his arms open for you instead. You sprinted towards him and hugged him tightly. "I did not expect you to show up at a BTS concert" you tell him. "Oh yeah, we're having a fan sign here and were performing after BTS" he says. His bandmates then spot you and come up to you. "Oh you must be Alessandra, Kai's cousin!" Taehyun says, and you nod. "He had told us a lot about you" Yeonjun says.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2020 ⏰

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