Vanessa X Male Reader

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Your one of the first people to join the black bulls. And your yami's Brother

You and Vanessa became good friends when she joined. You got close to her and eventually you asking her out and she said yes. You had been dating for at least a year and now you want to take it to the next level by asking her to marry you.

You are just gotten back from the magic night exam getting a new recruit named Asta.

Venessa: "Hey handsome glad your back.

(Y/n): " Glad to be back.

You mentally hit yourself from that asking her to marry you yet but you want to wait.

That night you were training with your khatana when your brother came out.

Yami: "I wonder sometimes why my little brother is exact opposite of me.

(Y/n): " That supposed to be an insult or a compliment.

Yami: "A bit of both why didn'tyouask her the question.

(Y/n): " I want to wait for the right time ok.

He took a deep inhale from his cigarette and size blowing a gust of smoke from his mouth.

Yami: " Just remember our deal ok.

(Y/n): " Yeah yeah you be the best man i know.

Time skip

Few events have happened you learned of the eye of the midnight sons third eye. Yami took one down and you were gone to the capital to find a way to cure Asta. When you go back he told you that they went with Vanessa to the witch's forest.

Knowing of venessa's past you grabbed yami by the shirt and for the first time since hes known you you had a very angry expression that could even scare him.

(Y/n): " Let's get this straight you sent the woman i love to a place she escaped from. A place she wished to never come back to you didn't try to stop her.

Yami: " It was her idea not mine don't kill the messenger.

Instantly you threw him at the nearest wall he went right through it as you grab your broom and fly out with Yami yelling at you for throwing him in the wall.

By the time you arrived The diamond Kingdom had invaded and you were used your word magic to take them down.


You create a tiger Claw out of your right arm and hit taking them down.

After taking most of them down and they evacuate you find Vanessa was  bound alone with a few others and as those being controlled by the witch Queen.


You Charge Asta  with an Elephant made of your Mana. But he jumped out the way and you appeared riding your broom as everyone was surprised to see you.

Witch Queen: "(Y/n) Sukehiro Also known as the raging beast.

Noelle: "Raging beast?

Venessa: " Yes he uses a beast magic like that guy from the sea temple. But with more spells.

Noelle gasps realising how powerful you were.

Witch Queen: " What do you care for this failure.

She points her finger to Vanessa joined seems to make you angry as a strong magic pressure came from you which rivalled the witch queens power.

(Y/n): " You would understand the concept of love if it bit you in the ass. I love Vanessa more than anything.  You can talk trash about me all you want. But when you bring the woman i love into this then she had starts.

You start fighting asta with your beast magic not having effect this anti magic weapons until Vanessa summoned a red cat. Asta tried to cut it but it didn't work which was surprised everyone until it was finally able to beat the witch Queen and free everyone.

Witch Queen: "(Y/n) Sukehiro.

You look at the witch wueen with your Grimoire out ready to fight but just look at you and you look back at her.

Witch Queen: " You have my blessing that is all.


After getting back to the hideout you grab Vanessa away from her wine and pulled her away from the hideout near Lake and she looks at you.

Venessa: " What do you want to talk about.

Not saying a word you turn to her pulling off small Box in getting on one knee and she gasped dropping the bottle of wine she had she realised why you brought her out here.

(Y/n): "Venessa Enoteca You've made me the happiest man in the world will you marry me.

Tears start coming from her eyes and she smiles getting down to her knees and jumping in your arms crying her eyes out. She finally stops removes her glove holding your hand out telling you to put on her ring. You put it on and grab her waist jumping up and spinning her around as your both laughing.

Venessa: "I love You (Y/n).

(Y/n): "I love you too Venessa.

You walk back hand-in-hand and everyone's outside when they look at you she shows them the ring and they all start jumping around you and your brothers smirking and making fun of you. You didn't know what was next but you are ready to face it with your fiance Vanessa by your side.


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