“I don't really know. I was just going to get some water when I noticed him outside, and he was definitely talking to someone on the phone.” Tecna told, looking concerned while Flora was wondering about something to herself. “I'm sorry, I shouldn't be minding other people's business, but are you guys okay? I saw Helia following that creepy person outside yesterday--”

“Following who?!” Flora questioned concerned but didn't notice she raised her voice a bit too high, as she usually does but Tecna let her be, as it's not like someone was listening to them. “Was it a woman or a man?”

“Hmm, let me rethink. That person had lots of female characteristics, so has to be a woman--” Tecna noticed the nature fairy change of mood, as she looked down on the ground. “Flora? Whatever you're thinking, stop right now. Helia's a good man and he only loves you and your daughter. There must be a reason for his behaviour because honestly, I would've followed that person too and ask what in the world is she looking at.”

Tecna was able to steal a chuckle from Flora, and the two friends embraced. They chatted for more couple of minutes, then Flora left her room too.

The nature fairy was about to go downstairs to her daughter but stopped for a minute to watch Aisha telling Stella to not exaggerate with the whining because she just did one push-up and Musa laughing in the corner, holding her stomach. Flora giggled too, then started to make her way down the steps.

Flora could hear her daughter, Lilian, giggling accompanied by Helia's voice from the garden, as the door was open. They were both under a beach umbrella, painting on a giant paper with their hands, which made Flora smile at the sight.

“Oh hey, Flora.” Helia greeted his wife as soon as he saw her honey-brown hair with her blonde streaks within her bangs. “Lilian, Mom decided to join us, eh?”

“Hi, Mommy! Look at what me and Daddy are drawing,” Lilian exclaimed, very excited to show her mother. Flora walked up to them, to see the drawing. “This is so you, Mommy!”

As Lilian indicated, the drawing did maybe resemble some of Flora's facial characteristics, even though most were scrabbling from Lilian's hands. It was apparent that Helia must have drawn the lines of the shape of the face, but Lilian must have done the coloring part.

“Aww, well, thank you! I can see you guys put a lot of work on both the painting and yourselves. Take a look, you are covered in paint!” Flora chuckled, as Helia took a look at his white sleeveless shirt now stained in paint, but not as much as Lilian's shirt that was literally coated in paint, almost down to her knees. An idea came into his head and he smirked.

“Oh-oh, come hug us!” Helia shouted, making Flora squeal, in fear of getting dirty in paint so she started sprinting away with her husband and daughter chasing after her.

At some point, they caught her and Flora gave up, accepting the fact that even though she showered this morning, she'll have to shower again and also make Lilian take a bath.

“O--Okay, I surrender!” Flora said, in between laughs as she falls on the grass with Helia and Lilian on top of her. They stayed like that for a few more seconds before they all got up and went back to where they left the drawing stand. “But really thanks, I appreciate the effort,” Flora said again, this time her hugging Lilian then Helia since she was already dirty.

“You are welcome, Mommy!” Lilian replied, with a big smile on her face, feeling very happy to have made her mother happy too.

“Now, it's bath time,” Flora told her daughter and took her hand. “Are you coming, Helia?”

Just when he was about to reply, his phone from his shorts' pocket rang. He slowly took it out, to look who was the caller ID.

“I'll come up in a sec. Gotta answer this, it's my father.” Helia answered the call and put his phone in between his ear and shoulder, while he commenced tidying up the mess created by painting the drawing, mostly by Lilian.

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