{--You haven't changed--}

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   They looked deep in each other's eyes just to try and remember all those moments, nights and long kisses. And they did. Their pupils dilated with love as Finn let go of her arm, dragging his hand up to her chin and resting his fingers on the side of her face. 

   Just as he was lovingly caressing her face, careful like he was going to break her in any way, Millie felt the familiar fire build up in her stomach, begging him to do something to her. Just a touch, a kiss, anything that had to do with him. 

   He bent over and stood inches from her face, so close that if she had the smallest of courage and no doubt at the moment, she would grab his curls and kiss him like life depended on it. 

   But, she had no idea what the hell she was supposed to do. And though she could see in Finn's eyes that he knew what he wanted, she was still frozen in place. 

   ''You know how much I want this, Finn...'' Millie almost moaned out of frustration that she couldn't touch him everywhere. Finn took the chance and cut her off. 

   ''I'm going to stop you right there, baby, and I will ask you to repeat yourself.'' 

   Millie was over the head confused but she just wanted to go on with his thing, kind of curious of what he had in mind. 

   ''You know how much I want this...Finn.'' She whispered and Finn nearly felt himself melt. But he kept himself on his feet, looking into her eyes, anxious for her actions. Millie's eyes sparkled as she spoke, finally understanding why he wanted her to repeat the wonderful sentence. 

   ''See, you want it. We both know that.'' 

   Just from hearing his soothing voice wash over, Millie knew what was coming. And she knew that she couldn't prevent it. It's not like she wanted to prevent it anyway...

   Finn dropped his hand to her hip, keeping one hand on her cheek. 

   ''Why can't you see that I still love you?'' Finn sadly said with a light pout forming on his lips.

    Millie was just as shocked as she was when they broke up and he told her that the love was gone. That's the reason this confession was such a huge deal.

   Finn was so heartbroken when Millie told him that they were over that he told her that he doesn't love her anymore. Of course that was a big ass lie.

   ''Stop saying that. Stop throwing blank words at me, words that have no meaning.'' She sorrowfully cried, feeling her heart shatter. 

   ''You really thought I forgot about you, didn't you?'' Finn sadly giggled and cupped her warm cheek. 


   ''You heard me. You heard me loud and clear. I love you. I love you and I am crazy about you. And I know, I know we can never be anything more than friends. But I can't keep lying to you like this.'' Finn said solemnly, making Millie's legs shake and give out. He held her waist and looked at her like there was no tomorrow. ''You have no idea how many nights I've wanted you next to me. How many nights I've cried myself to sleep because I missed you so much it fucking hurt.''

   Millie actually thought her heart and soul left her body. Everything hurt. 

   ''And you know what hurt the most? That you had no idea how in love with you I was, still. And I, myself, couldn't do anything to make the situation better.'' 

''Finn, I want...I...uh...'' She tried to make out words but she was way out of it at the moment.

   His eyes now were warm and sweet, pouring out with unbearable, heartbreaking sadness. 

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