"Awww!" Renee said making a face.

"Someone needs to get a brain check," Rupath said eyeing Ved. He rolled his eyes.

"Alright, it's time to go." He said getting up but Rupath held his hand and pulled him back again.

"Just sit." He said making Ved stumble.


Ved and I drove in our respective cars to Ved's house once lunch was done. He said his goodbyes to both of them as he won't be able to see them before going to the airport.

I hugged them as well with this thought that even I might not be able to see them again. I felt my heart heavy. But I still put on a big happy smile as I waved them off.

"Okay, let me just get over with the packing," Ved said as soon as he opened the door to his house. He went in hurriedly looking around.

I closed the door behind and sat on the sofa when his phone which he threw on the sofa started ringing as Mira's name flashed over the screen. I gritted my teeth when Ved shouted from inside asking me to take the call as he was busy searching for something in the cupboard. I let out a sigh and got up from my seat taking his mobile in my hand.

I walked inside the bedroom with the phone still ringing.

"Who is it?" Ved asked with his head still inside the cupboard.

"Your lovely ex-girlfriend," I said in a plain voice. Ved looked back immediately as he moved his gaze to his phone.

He took the phone from my hand and cut the call throwing the phone on bed beside as he got back to what he was doing.

"I am afraid, Ved." I said as Ved looked at me with a confused expression, "She might show up here."

"Don't worry about it, Princess." Ved chuckled and got back to his work. I let out a sigh looking at him carefully. He looked frustrated so yes something was lost.

"What are you doing?" I asked finally not able to take it.

"Searching for my passport." He said messing everything in the cupboard as he shut it off with a loud thud. He looked around the room trying to remember but no luck as he moved his hand through his hair.

"Wow!" I said with an impressed tone getting up from bed, "You sure are well organized." Ved rolled his eyes at me.

"You can taunt me later." He said taking his backpack and opening it, "Just help me."

"Okay, what should I do?" I asked after shaking my head in disappointment.

"Search in that cupboard." Ved said pointing at the cupboard across the room, "I am pretty sure I brought it in this room when I came back from Australia." I nodded at him and walked up to the cupboard, opening it.

"How can you be so irresponsible?" I said taking out one drawer and looking into it carefully.

"I thought you will be happy." He said. I turned to look at him narrowing my eyes.

"I would never pray for something like this to happen," I said frowning at him. He looked up at me and let out a sigh, "No matter how much I want you to stay here. Because I know what that means to you."

I got back to search operation as Ved decided to stay quite. We searched the whole room where I found some paintings and drawing books filled with sketches piled up in a cardboard box. I looked at them admiring the art.

"I didn't know you sketch," I said looking at him who was busy searching through his almirah. He turned back looking at me for a moment and resumed his work.

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