Apparently, it was obvious to her friends that she was worried slightly, as Lily sat down next to her at lunch and gave her a quick hug. "Hey, are you alright El?", she asked the French, while stealing a bite of her quiche.

Giving the redhead a death stare in return, she put her arm around the plate, trying to protect it from the fork coming closer once again. "Leave my food alone, voleuse", Elaine muttered, continuing the protection.

"Oh c'mon, the spinach one is the best!", Lily exclaimed, not giving up on her quest of eating yet another piece. "Well then take your own!", Elaine uttered back, uncaring of the looks they were beginning to receive.

"It's empty!" At this point, Lily was almost shouting. Realizing they were about to start a commotion, Elaine muttered a few colorful French curse words before she took a piece of her beloved quiche and stuffed it right into the other girl's mouth.

As she looked back up again, she saw Sirius smiling at her. Still in a bit of a foul mood, she shot at him "What you looking at, Black?" As he realized that Elaine had caught him staring, his face immediately turned back to a stony facade.

"You being a little child, Savvy", he answered dismissingly, turning his attention back to the tower of food in front of him.

Swallowing down her anger, Elaine turned back to her food. She figured it would be unnecessary to start a fight with somebody like Sirius black on her first day of school.

There was more than enough time to make some enemies.

So, instead of being sassy, Elaine took some time to take in the magnificence of the Great Hall again. As her gaze wandered over the four house tables, she realized there was somebody already staring at her. It felt almost like a déjà vu to the situation she had experienced with Olivia that morning, as a brown-haired guy in black and green robes smiled at her from the table closest to the opposite wall.

A surprised sound left Elaine's mouth as she was able to sort the guy into a category in her head. Swiftly, she got up from her seat, ignored the surprised looks of her friends, and rushed over to the table she knew was the one of the Slytherin house.

"May, how nice of you to finally grace me with your presence as well", Liam Marchbanks greeted her with a smug smile on his face, pulling the French into his arms.

"Lima bean, still not over the nicknames?", Elaine answered her ex-boyfriend, relishing in his familiar embrace for a second before taking a step back and examining the boy she hadn't seen for years.

"Never, tournesol", he answered, British accent prominent in his French as always.

"You told me you were to visit Ilvermorny, not Hogwarts", Elaine frowned, choosing not to dwell on the old pet name, "Weren't you moving with your mother?"

It was impossible to ignore the hardening of Liam's face. "She went without me. I stayed with father and the twins"

Well, there was a closed topic. As Elaine was lost for words, not knowing how to change the topic, the Slytherin took the initiative and led her to sit down. As she turned her head to look at the other people sitting there, she was met with quite the number of eyes trained on her. Some surprised, curious even, while others had a clear glare on their face.

There was the infamous Gryffindor vs. Slytherin mentality, she thought to herself.

"Guys, this is May, my ex-girlfriend. Guess you all heard of her.", Liam introduced her to his house mates.

"Ex-girlfriend, Marchbanks?", a black-haired guy with clear aristocratic features asked Liam unbelievingly.

Addressing the elephant in the room immediately, how great, Elaine thought to herself.

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