"So what if I was? That joke is hilarious!"

"I didn't find it funny."

"Well, that's because you have no sense of humour."

"Was that meant to be an insult?"

"I don't know, was it?"

Shoto and I both remained silent for a moment before bursting into giggles of our own. Oh, how ridiculous we could be. It was nice, feeling everything flow back to normal, back to where we were most comfortable: together.

The best part, though, was that he felt the same, too.

Soon enough, we'd all reached Kirishima's room, and waited patiently while the red-head made his way to the door.

"Not that I care," he said, slowly opening the door, "... but you might not get what I'm going for..." He opened the door, and my eyes were met with a tidal wave of old Japanese encouragement kanji on the walls, along with gym equipment and a lot of references to muscles. "A den of manliness!"

I honestly didn't mind it - it suited Kirishima and his ideals and values down to the floor mat. However, Mina was simply shaking her head, while Toru didn't seem convinced either.

"If I found out my boyfriend had a room like this, I would dump him," she said.

I winced at the comment. That certainly should've damaged his pride, a little.

"So bold," Ochaco said, a bright smile stretching her features as she gazed around. "Makes me wanna work out!"

"See? You get it!" Kirishima said, albeit still hurting from before, it seemed.

"Next up: Shoji."

Shoji's room held only a low-lying desk to study at, and a folded futon with green sheets and a pillow. It seemed as though my dupli-armed classmate was a minimalist in every way but his quirk.

Moving onto the fifth floor - my floor - we started with our resident, taped Spiderman, Sero. His room was quite the surprise, looking like a room straight out of an exotic, tropical hotel. It had an earthy palette of oranges, browns and yellows, with hints of greens and blues hidden within the decor and bedsheets. Alongside his bed, Sero also had strung up a hammock, probably for the balcony outside.

Overall, Sero's room was a surprise, and one of my personal top favourites. However, the room I was highly anticipating was up next: Shoto Todoroki's room.

'I wonder what he has in his room? ' Thinking about it, I'd never been to his house before, not even to drop him off and walk then home by myself - it was always the other way around. Technically, I knew the guy pretty well,  but what one keeps inside a bedroom can lead to so many untold secrets...

"I don't want to do this," Shoto grumbled beside me.

"What do you mean?" I asked. "If you don't want to do this, why are you even here?"

Shoto just shrugged before looking away from me, but I could've sworn I saw the tiniest hint of pink dusting his pale cheeks.

"I don't want to do this... but you're here, so that makes it more bearable, I guess..."

That took me aback, and had an embarrassed flush crawling up my neck towards my cheeks. My eyes widened as my mouth hung open in shock. "Oh."

How could he say things like that and not even be fazed about it? I told him not to say stuff like until he took me out on a date first. What was he thinking saying things like that where others could hear him? 'Oh my goodness gracious me...'

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