The Beginning

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Hey! Welcome/ Welcome back to my Morrijack fanfiction. No smut, no spicy scenes, just wholesome pre-relationship moments. Please Enjoy!

Disclaimer I do not own any characters, they belong to Jessica Townsend.

Morrigan shivered and pulled her coat tighter around her as she stood shoulder to shoulder with Jack. It was the middle of winter and they were taking an emergency trip to town because they had forgotten the lollies for their midwinter sleepover. Hawthorne, Cadence, Morrigan and Jack congregated in Morrigan's enlarged room to stay up to an unreasonable hour eating sweets and watching her fireplace crackle and laughing at Hawthorne's antics. She grunted as she reached out with her umbrella and hooked onto the Brolly Rail and slammed into Jack in front of her. He swiveled around and frowned at her, poking his tongue out. "Watch it," He said, sighing and turning back around. Morrigan placed her other hand on her handle and swung forward to kick him in a place where the sun didn't shine. She missed and ended up kicking his thigh. He smoothly turned around, one eyebrow fluently rising above the other. "Oh, you want to play it dirty?" He said, effortlessly dismounting from the rail onto the footpath outside of a park covered in snow. He ran into the park as Morrigan dismounted, stumbling a little and followed him in. "Jack?" she called out, unable to see him in the near darkness. A white ball of packed snow flew out and hit her on the back of her head. She gasped and turned around, gathering her own handful of snow and flinging it to where she assumed Jack was standing. She guessed wrong, and the sphere flew into the dark distance as another snowball hit her shoulder, pieces of white powder ledging itself in her dark hair. Morrigan's knees gave out from under her as Jack dove, grabbing her legs. She let out a shriek and giggled as she got buried in the snow. She sat up, shaking her head to dislodge as much snow as she could. She saw Jack smirking above her and offering her a hand. "C'mon. We need to get these lollies," He said, pulling Morrigan up and grabbing their Brollies as they walked out through the gate. Morrigan's face flushed hot as Jack cutely walked around, spinning in the dim streetlight. The past year her feelings for him had inflamed her heart. Jack hadn't been able to come home for the summer, due to an extended band camp. Distance sure does make the heart grow fonder, she had thought, reading over the letters he had written her. Brotherly love was one thing. It had slowly progressed into thinking he was cute, to crushing-just-a-little, to currently oh-my-god-he-is-so-hot. Now here he was, out of reach, Morrigan unable to tell him how he felt. She had become painfully attached to him over the near 4 years of knowing each other, she was afraid to lose him. So she stood by. They approached the lollie shop. They entered, the sweet smell of sugar wafting into their noses. Morrigan exhaled and smiled as Jack grabbed a paper bag and filled it up with various sugar infested items that would soon be devoured by her and her friends. They approached the counter, Morrigan held up her finger for a Wunsoc-Approved discount. Jack paid, thanked the cashier and left. Jack was already in the bag, a lollipop stick protruding from his mouth. Morrigan rolled her eyes and grabbed a sugar-covered sour jube and ate it, getting some sugar on her cheek. Jack sighed and wiped it off, while Morrigan blushed furiously. As they approached the Brolly Rail platform Jack dropped his umbrella. They both bent down to grab it. Morrigan momentarily glanced up and met Jack's warm, inviting brown eyes. He looked up, Morrigan bit her tongue and grabbed his umbrella, handing it to him and turning away to jump up onto the rail, hiding her very red cheeks. The wind rushed through her hair as they made their way back to the Deucalion, a new flurry of snow beginning as the doors slammed shut behind them.

It was nearly 2am. Hawthorne was on a mad sugar high. He was jumping up and down on his mattress. Cadence was asleep, a true miracle considering the amount of noise Hawthorne was making next to her. "Morrigan!-" Jump. "Can I-" Jump. "Stop jumping? Yes, please do." Morrigan finished, watching the fire flicker through her half shut eyes. Hawthorne jumped and landed on his butt, his face flushed red. "Jacky Boy, pass the lollies," He asked, outstretching his hand towards Jack. Jack sighed and handed him the paper bag, his arm reaching over Morrigan. Jack's eyes passed over her half asleep face, smirking. "Sleepy, are we?" He said. Morrigan sighed and rolled over so she was facing him. "I actually, unlike you, have an actual sleep schedule thank you very much. So goodnight." She shut her eyes, the heat and sound growing duller as she drifted into unconsciousness.

When she woke up, half baked winter light was streaming through her curtains. She sat up, one hand refusing to join the other over her head.

And that was because it was being held.

By Jack.

Thank You for reading this! I've been very slow to repost because of some personal reasons... I'm not entirely happy with the word count. I'll try to update more when I get back to school!

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