"Yeah. Don't think too much of it though." He waved off the subject and we walked into our classroom.


During class, I'd try to get Mina's attention by passing notes to her.

Getting through to her wasn't the simplest since Kaminari kept trying to read what I was trying to tell her.

He eventually dropped it and just gave the note to her.

Mina read it and after about three seconds she looked back at me then picked up her pencil and wrote something on the note.

Kaminari passed it back to me and it read "We'll talk after class."

I was glad that she was now willing to talk to me but I still felt like a douche for not knowing what to say to her.

I sat there thinking of conversation starters and what to talk about for so long that I didn't realize I started to black out.

"Kirishima!" Present Mic called.

"Huh?" I jumped back to reality at the sound of his booming voice.

"Try to stay awake, yo!" He turned back to the bored and continued the English lesson.

I blinked and tried to tune back into what he was teaching us.


The bell rung and it was time for science. I stood up and walked out the door, beckoning for Mina to come with me.

She followed suit and walked out behind me.

"So, what did you want to talk to me about?" She asked.

"Well, I-I, umm.." I stammered and sighed, "I'm really sorry for not talking to you at all after Friday."

She raised an eyebrow, "Seriously? That's what's been bothering you the whole day?"

"I felt guilty." I looked down at my feet, "I thought you'd be upset at me since you've been acting so uncomfortable today."

She snickered.

"What?" I looked up at her in confusion.

"Sorry, it's just funny. I'm not mad at you. Just the, y'know, hickies?" She stifled her laughter.

"But I did that!-"

"I know but they don't irritate me that much-"

"But they do, don't they? Is there anything I can do to-"


I stopped rambling and listened to her.

"You don't have to do anything, it's okay. Really, it is. They'll just go away on their own." She reassured me.

"What about the bite?" I asked.

"It's really small it doesn't matter." She waved it off.

"But my teeth are sharper than you realize. Are you sure it isn't that bad?" I was skeptical.

Mina kept trying to dodge the question.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2020 ⏰

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