Chapter 5: Opening Up

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"Hey Dana, is it alright if I tell you something? And you can't tell anyone about it," I say in a serious tone.

"Of course hon, what's on your mind?" Dana responds giving me her full attention.

"Ok, please don't interrupt and I will answer any question you have at the end of it. Well as you notice, Prez and I spend a lot of time together and are always together, I know you guys seeing us hanging out at her house a lot and just always being there. No one knows this but her and her family, but I actually live at an orphanage, her parents just pose as my parents so I can continue going to the same school and audition for Broadway shows. Up until last year I was living with my mom who worked a full time job and was never around, and then my dad who was a drunk and loved to abuse me. At first it was just mental and verbal, but when I got older, he got physical and each year kept getting worse. It became harder for me to cover up and hide everything, it would become so hard to take sometimes, that I would think I'm better off dead, just so the torture would end. I used to self-harm and was in a very dark place, but a band, Broadway, and Presley helped me through it, but before I got better, I got worse. When I was 15 my mom found out my dad was abusing me and sent me to have a sleepover at Prez's house, and that night would change not only me, but our friendship as well. The police showed up at her house to come and collect me, saying that my dad had killed my mom and then killed himself. After they took me away I was put into an orphanage that doesn't care about their older kids so I only have to check in once a week to let them know I'm alive and well. Since then, I've had really bad trust issues and don't trust many people, especially men, which is why I'm so different around Prez than with everyone else. Please don't tell anyone! I really don't want anyone to know." I finish my whole story in a quiet voice. I kept looking down at my hands, feeling the tears start to fall down, not realizing a little weight being lifted off my shoulders, when I feel arms wrap around me and hold me close to them. Knowing that it's just Dana I let out all the emotions I had been feeling and keeping inside of me.

"It's ok Lily, I'm right here, let it all out. I'm not going to tell anyone, you have my word. I'm honored that you trusted me with this and how you opened up to me. Now that you've told me everything, a lot things make sense and you don't have to worry about anything. If you ever need a place to stay or can't go to Prez, just let me know, I'm here for you. I will tell you this, you're such a strong and brave young adult, don't let your past hold you back from some great friendships here. I can tell you that a lot of the cast members are always checking in on you and care a lot about you. You don't need to worry about anything, I know for a fact that all of the male cast members of this production will protect you and not let anything happen to you. One individual who would really try to go back in time from stopping your dad from hurting you, would be Alex. He's always so worried about you and notices every flinch, and tense you do, it breaks his heart to see you like this. Promise me that you will come to me if you need anything, and I mean anything, doesn't matter what and it doesn't matter the time of day. Can you promise me that?" she says while holding onto me very tightly.

"Yes, I promise Dana, could I sleep over tonight? I don't want to bother Presley while she's trying to get better," I say in a meek voice.

"Of course hon, don't you worry about it. It looks like we need to head back to rehearsal's, you ready?" She asks me

"As ready as I'll ever be," I respond back, both of us completely oblivious to the fact that there was someone right out the door listening in us. As we exit the dressing room and head back to the stage to be seated in the same spots, Alex walks over and sits down, but puts a seat between us. I don't think much about it, but I'm grateful that there is space between us, as we finish up rehearsal's Alex starts to walk with Dana and I out.

"Hey Lily, do you need someone to walk you home? I'm sure your parents must be worried about you always walking by yourself." Alex asks me, but I just look at the ground, trying to not get upset about not having a home.

"Lily is actually coming home with me tonight, and we already cleared it with her parents," Dana says with a smile and throwing an arm around me.

"Ah got it, well you ladies have a great time together tonight, bye Dana! Bye Lils!" Alex says giving both of us a hug, but when he hugs me I tense up and try to pull away a bit. I feel bad because when he pulls away, he has this look in his eyes of pity and something else that I can't put my finger on it.

"Bye Alex! Enjoy the day off from rehearsal's!" Dana yells at him. When she says this I had completely forgotten we had the day off tomorrow, and I was really excited to have it off. Already planning my day tomorrow, and being able to have a sleep over with someone who is like my older sister, is the start in the right direction for the change happening in me, that I didn't know I needed.

A/N:Hey guys! I hope you guys are enjoying the story! Let me know what you guys think so far! :)

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