I slipped on some shimmery heels and put my hair up in a messy bun. My makeup was already done and I felt so hot.

I called Wendy and Bri and told them I was on my way.


When we arrived to the party, Bri and Wendy practically threw themselves out of the car; excited to be at the party.

I chuckled and grabbed my handbag and purse. I opened the car door with a sigh and stepped out into my first ever high school party.

I walked into the house and was immediately met by the sent of weed and alcohol. It really was a high school party.

I tried desperately to find Bri and Wendy but they were so caught up in a random guys face that I couldn't pry them away. So I walked to a counter and poured myself a drink. Let this take me away.


I was about 6 drinks in when I felt someone tapped my shoulder. I automatically assumed it was either Bri or Wendy so I came up with a dumb remark.

"Ready to go home after a night with a boy you'll never remember?" I chuckled.

I turned around and felt my heart sink when I was face to face with Grayson. I felt my cheeks turn hot as the red color filled them.

"I- um that was- I thought you were someone else.." I stuttered, only making myself look more like an idiot.

He chuckled and bent down to my ear. I felt his breath along my neck which made me shiver. He knew damn well what he was doing to me.

"I'm sure you're going to remember me princess."

Those words filled my mind. I wanted him but not now, I was too drunk.

"I can't Gray." I say before realizing what I called him. "I meant Grayson."

My eyes roamed his chiseled jaw and then gazed at his lips as he spoke.

"But you want to right? I see the way you look at me it the hall. You can't get enough of me. Already starting with nicknames too." Grayson said as his hands met the edges of my dress sleeves.

"I didn't mean to call you that. You don't even know my name anyways. You'll fuck me then leave me. I'm better than that." I said while brushing his hands away.

Bad move.

I feel his hands grip my arms hard and turn me around so I'm facing him. I'm so fucked.

"Listen here Jessica. Everyone here knows you're the only girl who hasn't given themselves up for me so why don't you do it already?" Grayson asks

Honestly I was a virgin. I didn't want someone like him to hurt me on my first time. But I couldn't build up the courage to tell him that.

"I- I don't know.." I stutter, a little scared now, "I just- I've never-.."

His lips turn to a naughty grin when he realizes my secret.

"Awe is someone a virgin?" His words trickled down my spine. I wanted him so bad but it would be a mistake.

I stayed quiet, my eyes glued to his. I couldn't say anything. I couldn't resist him anymore. I just give up. I wanted him so bad, I didn't even care if I regretted it anymore.

"Y-yes I am.." I say while looking at him

His eyes gazed down to my lips then returned back to me.

"Can I change that princess?" He asks

I nod as I feel his arms swing under me. His strong body was carrying me upstairs to an empty bedroom. I didn't even notice tears falling down my face.

Once he laid me down he noticed the streaks on my face.

"I'm sorry Jess I didn't mean to scare you- I just thought that maybe - shit I don't know I'm sorry." Grayson muttered

I've never seen him so sorry before. It's like something made him change.

"It's okay Gray, I'm just nervous that's all." I say while crawling towards him. I sit next to him and lay my head on his shoulder.

His head met mine and for a second I thought that maybe he wasn't the bad ass kid everyone thought he was.

"Maybe we can try when we aren't drunk." I proposed to him.

He chuckled.

"Yeah if we even remember." I giggled

"Yeah.." Grayson says while pulling away from me.

He picked me up and carried me out of the room.

"I'm sorry.." Grayson said as he set you down.

I wanted to say something but nothing would come out. It was like anything I were to say wouldn't even matter.

I met his gaze as a tear slipped my eye. Just something about him made me feel so good.

I buried my head into his chest and started crying. I felt his strong arms wrap around me softly. He pulled me closer to his body and rubbed my back.

"It's okay princess it's not your fault." He whispered in my ear. "People just feel forced to do things they don't want to do."

You nodded against his chest. He was right.

I was forced to go to this fucking party, where I got nothing but embarrassed and abandoned.

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