Royal beginnings

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Links P.O.V

Its was a sunny summer morning I thought back on what occurred last night who could that have been? Zelda? No it couldn't be she's missing, a yiga spy trying to get dirt on me? Possibly but not likely they wouldn't need Zelda's things, possibly a servant who got startled seeing me late at night? No I ordered that Zelda's belongings be left alone... I thought long and hard then decided to look into it later i dragged myself out of bed the soft bed called me back to its comforting arms but, I couldn't go back to bed I was a king now I had responsibilities though I dreaded them deeply.

I breathe a heavy sigh going to my elegant dresser filled with outfits that i had no reason to wear anymore so I put on my royal clothes a button up shirt with a suit coat replica of my heroes tunic ,fixing my hair to his signature pony tail I placed my undeserved crown on my head examining my face I saw how tired I looked. Turing to the door just on time for a knock to be placed on the marble surface sighing I opened it meeting the face of a tall hylian guard schail was his name I nodded knowing what he was here for and i made my way to the throne room for a audience I was actually looking forward to.

Upon entering the throne room and sitting upon my much hated throne I greeted my guests with a smile they were familiar to me. The rito elder stood before me along with my friend Teba and his beloved son Tulian he has sure grown since the last time I saw him he waved at me and his father teba lowered his feathered hand shaking his head slightly.

I frowned slightly trying to hold back running up to the father son duo and hug the little rito to tell him I'm no different from who he met almost a year ago but putting that aside I let the elder speak of trade deals we had discussed briefly before. A few hours of discussion passed and my guards left for me to escort my guests out because I insisted upon it I talked lightly with teba and ruffled the head feathers of tulian and crouched down to the level of the rito child "remember tulian if your dad lets you you can come visit any time and maybe i can give you those lessons I promised then you can really impress your dad" I cheerily whispered with a wink then I said my goodbyes to the rito shaking hands with teba promising a archery competition when I can and I heeded to my office to go over my mountains of paperwork once more.

Sidon's P.O.V

Breathing in the cold morning air of the zoras domain I hoisted myself out of my soft watery bed hidden away from the rest of the place I call my home I stare at my celling for a moment heaving out a shaky sigh wiping a tear that threatened to fall. Cursing under my breath I shuffled to my vanity adoring my traditional armor I looking up at the sash hung upon the wall that once belonged to my beloved sister "oh mipha is this how you felt about that hylian?" I said as if she could hear me. Weakly I stumbled to my door I put my hand on the handle and took in a deep breath pushing the jade door open I steadied myself straitening my posture i put on my smile and trotted into the throne room saying my hellos to my father and Muzu.

Muzu called to me but I ignored him I continued my confident stride down to my sisters statue I stared up at it and had a quite conversation with myself what an idiot I'm being talking to a statue I mentally scolded myself.  I made my way to shatter back point the lynel had moved lower down the mountain for some odd reason so it became a popular diving point for the zora but no one was there strangely so I took the opportunity to dive into the water and make my way to divine beast vah ruta witch I visit quite often mipha gave me special permission to enter the beast when I pleased to keep her company even though I knew her spirit passed on

I sat in the main terminals room looking out the eyes of ruta I watched the rito flying in the distance I looked at death mountain and all the scenery I could see through the eyes of the beast. Suddenly my eyes fell upon hyrule castle I walked over to the eye of ruta and leaned out slightly wondering what link was doing right now and if he missed me as I did him. Though I am adored by most in the domain no one has taken the time to talk to me every day besides my father and muzu though muzu just nagged me I decided to head back to my room in the domain as I lost track of time and the sun was setting when back to my room taking off my armor and I went to my balcony once again looking in the direction of the castle thinking again about link why was I thinking of him so much.

~a year later~

Link's P.O.V

Its been a year a long painful year I can't leave this god damn castle. I cant even walk through the courtyard I want out I have half the mind to fake my death but I can't the people need me I'm the king now i should get some freedom I can defend myself I'm the one who single handedly saved the kingdom these guards need to lay off if I had my sword I link this isn't you your not this violent your a hero not a monster stay strong  I heard the voice of mipha in the back of my mind I took a deep breath heading to my 'office'. This past year I've lost myself I used to be able to keep up my stoic façade so no one knew something was wrong with me but now I don't know if I can keep up this act I'm close to breaking. I kept rambling to myself sometimes I heard the giggles of mipha witch made me smile I felt a hand placed on mine but saw no one so I frowned then I saw a light blue glow slowly forming into a small hand then into the blue ethereal form of mipha the zora champion, princess and once my lover. I smiled at her intertwining our fingers tears threatened to form I watched mipha sit on the desk pushing aside my paperwork and wiped away my now falling tears we sat and talked for hours I told her my troubles and the clock struck midnight mipha warm expression as she held my hand "link I have to go now I don't know when we can talk again but as much as I love you I need you to move on from me alright? As my final wish" she said cupping my cheek though painstaken I nodded "only for you" I whispered as she planted a cold kiss to my forehead as her form faded away into sparkling dust. I let tears fall as I stood from my desk making my way to my room a guard tried to ask me what was wrong but I just kept walking retuning to my chambers for the night not bothering to change out of my clothes I flopped onto my bed falling asleep the quickest I had in a year.  Another week passed and I thought about what mipha said I called a meeting of my guards I cleared my throat "I'm making my first order as king. I didn't want to have to do this but I order that you grant me my sword and freedom to leave the castle so meetings with the other races are easier for them. Remember I am the hero of hyrule I am more than capable of caring for myself" I said loud and confident it strained my throat as I still wasn't used to speaking. The guards looked shocked but the captain stepped up "sire we cannot grant you freedom it was one of princess Zelda's last wishes that you stay in the castle" he said nervously I felt anger bubbling within me so Zelda this is all your planning if this is the game your playing  I stormed to my room the guards trying to call me to my duties but I couldn't face them not when I had something important to do.

Thank you for reading! I hope you like the story so far let me know what you think this is an au so its not completely accurate to the lore of the game! ~Adam

Word count:1513

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