ii. ( 𝐠𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐨𝐮𝐬 )

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( events take place in season 1, episode 1 )

IT WAS MOVING day for the scott family, which happened to be the day right after hurricane agatha hit obx. at first, her parents were worried that their new house would get ruined before they were even able to move into it. they hoped it wouldn't be the case, but of course their yard was destroyed with fallen trees. the house itself was fine, but it was covered with leaves and branches. there was even a large tree leaning on it.

"lorelai, could you please tell the movers where your room is?" the girls mother says, going in and out of the house. this time she was going in, holding labeled boxes. her father followed right behind her with boxes as well.

"i was just about to." lorelai makes her way outside, stopping in front of one of the movers holding a box with her name on it. "follow me, i'll show you where to put that." she says. the mover nods, following her inside and upstairs to her empty bedroom. the mover places the box down and goes back out to get more.

lorelai sighs, going back downstairs to
meet her mother again. she was setting up her husbands office. "mom, i'm bored." she complains, sitting down in the office chair, spinning around in it. "then why don't you make yourself useful and help bring some of these boxes in?"

lorelai groans, her head falling back. "isn't that what you pay the movers to do?" she asks. her mother sent lorelai a stern look. "if you aren't going to be any help then how about you go explore the island. meet some new friends, find something to keep you busy while you're at it."

lorelai thought about it for a moment as her mother rummaged through the box. "maybe i will." the brown eyed girl gets out of the chair with crossed arms. she walks out of the office room and goes outside. she takes a walk along the road, studying each house. the island seemed pretty trashed after the hurricane.

she seemed to have stopped by the backyard of one of the houses. there was a girl with a tennis racket, hitting birds and screaming something along the lines of "field days" and "mouse genocide."

she stopped to talk to a woman and a man who seemed to be her father. once the two left, the girl continued swatting birds and seagulls away. "i don't know a lot about tennis but i had no idea it involved hitting birds." lorelai says, walking over to the girl.

she turns around, acknowledging her presence. "oh, hi!" she greeted, holding her hand out and tucking a piece of hair behind her ear. lorelai takes her and and shakes it. "i'm lorelai scott." she tells her. "sarah cameron. i've never seen you around before, did you just move here?" she asks.

"yes, actually. too bad we had to start it off with the results of a hurricane and crazy girls screaming at birds." lorelai jokes with a smile. sarah let out a laugh. "yeah, i'm sorry about that. the burrows filled with water from the surge and the birds came for the mice." she explains.

"oh, i see." lorelai nods. "how are you liking it here so far?" sarah asks her. "from what i've seen, it looks pretty nice. you're the first person i've talked to today, other than those useless movers." sarah laughed, "what's wrong with the movers?"

"not only were they two hours late, but they move in and out of the house like slugs. i'm pretty sure that my grandma would be able to get things in faster than them, and she's in a wheel chair." lorelai says, causing sarah's smile to widen. "wow, that sucks." she says.

lorelai slightly nods, looking over to the ocean. "oh, hey, i almost forgot. i was just about to go meet up my boyfriend and his friends. do you wanna come?" she offers. lorelai debated in her head about whether or not she wanted to go that day.

finally, she answers, "maybe tomorrow. i'm gonna go finish exploring." sarah nods. "okay. see you later?"

"see you later."

"HEY, CAN I help with anything?" lorelai asks, walking up to a man cleaning up all of the trash and leaves the hurricane left behind. there was another person there who seemed to be his son. the man stopped to look up at the girl. he had a confused look on his face. "and why in the hell would you do that?" he asks her.

lorelai shrugs. "i don't know. maybe because this place looks like trash." she says. the man considered it before shaking his head and returning back to his work. "that's alright, i've got it under control."

"suit yourself." she says, walking over to the younger boy who was hosing the end of the deck down. he looked up at her for a moment before looking back down. she stops in front of the sign, reading it. "bring it on aggie, you bitch." she read out loud with a chuckle. "this is a nice piece you have here. what's the starting bid on it?" she says.

before the man could answer, their attention was grabbed by two boys on a boat. "well look what we have here." one says. "we have a safety meeting. attendance mandatory." he says, mimicking static. "i can't. my pops got me on lockdown." the boy next to lorelai says.

"come on man. your dad's a pussy. over." the blonde says, also mimicking static. lorelai's eyebrows raise as she wore an amused smile. "oh i heard that, you little bastard." the boys dad says. "we need your son." the boy with the backwards cap says. "yeah, and island rules. day after hurricane's a free day." the blonde shrugs.

lorelai scoffs. "who made that up?" the man asks, not buying it. "uh... pentagon, i think. we have security clearance. i have a card." he says. "they think i'm stupid?" the man asks his son. the boy says, "i'll do it tomorrow. i promise. tomorrow."

"hell no, you doin' it now." his father ordered. lorelai let out a loud laugh at the situation playing out in front of her. that's when the boys on the boat realize she was there. "oh hey gorgeous, care to join us?" the blue eyed boy asks.

"gorgeous has a name and it's lorelai." she says, her arms crossed. "i think i'll stick with gorgeous." he says. "get in the boat. make a run for it." the brown haired boy whispers to him. "boy, if you get in that boat-"

the boy jumps in anyways, going against his fathers wishes. "you coming or not?" the blonde asks her. lorelai playfully rolls her eyes and jumps in with them. "go, go, go." he rushed them as his father yells at him. "bring your ass back up here!" he says.

"i promise to do it tomorrow, dad." he says as they travel further away from the man. "when you get back, you gonna clean shrimp, you gonna clean fish, and you'll clean your dirty ass room!" he listed, getting louder as the sentence went on.

"we'll bring him back in one piece, i promise!" the brown haired boy says, giving the man a thumbs up. "good luck! i'll be back to buy that beautiful art of yours." lorelai waves with a smile.

the man finishes, "and i don't like your friends!"

🍒, maybankz
sorry for the long wait, i hope it was worth it!

published- june 3, 2020
edited- (?)
word count- 1275 words

𝙧𝙪𝙡𝙚 𝙗𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙠𝙚𝙧𝙨, jj maybankOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora