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You were like pneumonia,
taking the air out of my lungs.
My already shallow lungs, weak from fighting.
You were pneumonia,
making it hard to breathe when you weren't with me.
You tricked me into thinking you were a fresh container of oxygen, helping me live.
But only to find out that you were really breaking my system down,
slowly killing me.
You came in different shapes and forms but you were still pneumonia.
And even when I caught you in your act,
you would disguise yourself, telling me this is how it was supposed to be.
That it was all in my head and you were just trying to protect me.
But in reality you were killing my body, killing my mind.
Distracting me from the truth,
you were a lie.
I found a cure, however, and he's truly oxygen.
He gives me life.
He makes me forget about you and how terrible you tasted in my mouth.
He livened up my body,  livened up my soul.
He cleaned out my lungs of you.
He is oxygen to my lungs, expanding them, making them beautiful again.
He allowed me to find enough breath to say I choose me
over you.
You were pneumonia.

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A Poem a Day Keeps the Therapist Away (A collection of poems)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat